Classifiers of Destructive Impacts in Digital Space
( Pp. 28-32)
More about authors
Anna K. Zharova
Dr.Sci.(Law), Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute of Digital Technologies
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The digital format of public relations actualizes the issues of information security and information security. The article analyzes the normative acts containing the concepts of "destructive event" and "destructive action". They describe the sources of information threats emanating from man-made and anthropogenic sources and are associated with violations of confidentiality, accessibility and reliability of information, stability and reliability of information systems. The author came to the conclusion, as a result of the analysis conducted in the article, that the concept of "destructive actions" is more universal and defines the requirement not to take actions aimed at violating the information security of an information system and information.
The concept of "destructive events" is used in a narrow technical area related to the disruption of the functioning of information systems at two levels of the OSI model - determining the route and addressing of data and communication between the endpoints of the transmitted data.
The concept of "destructive events" is used in a narrow technical area related to the disruption of the functioning of information systems at two levels of the OSI model - determining the route and addressing of data and communication between the endpoints of the transmitted data.
How to Cite:
Zharova A.K. Classifiers of Destructive Impacts in Digital Space // Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024. Vol. 17. №6. Pp. 028-032. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.33693/2072-3164-2024-17-6-028-032. EDN: JAWDLZ
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destructive event; destructive action; information security..