Digital Criminalistics as an Effective Form of Countering the Growth and Expansion of the Criminal Spectrum of Cybercrime
( Pp. 157-162)

More about authors
Oleg I. Lozinsky
South Russian Institute of Management—Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy of Public Administration
Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Abstract: The purpose of the study. The article analyzes the innovative possibilities of digital criminalistics as an effective form of countering the growth and expansion of the criminal spectrum of cybercrime. Conclusions. Digital criminology is a dynamically developing private theory that claims to be a section of criminology in general. In the course of this study, the author's interpretations of the concepts and internal content are given: digital criminology, its structure, goals, tasks and functions. The innovative capabilities of digital forensics allow (and these capabilities are expanding) the use of digital technologies in law enforcement to extract criminally significant information and electronic evidence from electronic digital information and devices (its carriers). The development of digital criminalistics has significantly expanded the possibilities of preliminary investigation and operational investigative activities in solving the tasks of countering criminal manifestations. The capabilities of digital criminalistics significantly increase the "competitiveness" of law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime (including organized crime), increase the efficiency, efficiency and effectiveness of the disclosure and investigation of criminal cases. Further development of digital criminology is associated with: creation and expansion of the regulatory framework of its activities; expansion and evidentiary confirmation of its methods; training in the expert community of the necessary number of qualified specialists in this field; continuous improvement of the material and technical base of this activity, etc.
How to Cite:
Lozinsky O.I. Digital Criminalistics as an Effective Form of Countering the Growth and Expansion of the Criminal Spectrum of Cybercrime // Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023. Vol. 16. №7. Pp. 157-162. (in Russ.). EDN: SHIVCK
Reference list:
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digital criminology, computer modeling of crimes, biometric technologies for identifying criminals, augmented reality, virtual reality, the use of artificial intelligence in criminology, digital trace analysis, network analysis, mobile forensics..

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