Orthodoxy as Cultural Distictness Element in Russian Criminal Procedure
( Pp. 113-118)

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Ivan S. Tarasov Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor of the Department of criminal law and procedure
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Abstract: Purpose of study: The paper discusses Orthodoxy as one of the elements of Russian-Eurasian culture. The purpose is to characterize Orthdoxy as an element of Eurasian culture and its impact on criminal procedure, and to demonstrate the interaction of Orthodoxy with other elements of criminal procedure through the notions of conciliarity and moral values.
Conclusions: The study concludes that Orthodoxy as an element of Russian-Eurasian culture allows to specify personality types - from individual to collective ones; criminal procedure must be based on traditional values reinforced by Orthodoxy and other traditional religions of Russian-Eurasian ethnithities; primary meaning must be attributed to the moral essence of criminal procesure while formulation and fixation of manifestations of the spiritual sphere is of secondary nature. The Criminal Procedure Code must be rooted in moral normsand spiritual values embodied into the principles of criminal procedure and the general conditions of investigaton and trial.
How to Cite:
Tarasov I.S. Orthodoxy as Cultural Distictness Element in Russian Criminal Procedure // Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024. Vol. 17. №5. Pp. 113-118. (in Russ.). EDN: LQBSCA
Reference list:
Eurasionism: Attempt of Systematic Consideration // World of Russia and Eurasia: Anthology / Ed. by L.I. Novikova, I.N. Sizemskaya. Moscow, Vysshaya shkola, 1995. 396 p.
Karsavin L.P. Church, Individual and State // Small Writings / Ed. by S.S. Khoruzhiy. Saint-Petersburg, Aleteiya JSC, 1994. 531 p.
Prince N.S. Trubetskoy. On the Problem of Russian Self-Discovery. Collection of Articles // Eurasian Publishing House, 1927. 96 p.
Tarasov I.S. Eurasion Concept of Legal Procedure and Digitization: Dialectics of Moral and Liberal Approaches // Legal Orbit. 2022. No 2. P. 167-171.
Tarasov I.S. Evraziyskaya kontseptsiya ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva i tsifrovizatsiya: dialektika dukhovno-nravstvennogo i liberal nogo podkhodov. // YUridicheskaya orbita. Nauchno-prikladnoy zhurnal. Ezhegodnik. № 2 /2022. - s. 167 171.
Eurasianism, criminal process, world outlook, conciliarity, moral values, individuality..

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