The Constitutional Design of the Model of Soviet Parliamentarism in the Second Half of the 1930s
( Pp. 14-27)

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Yulia S. Kovtun Candidate of the Department of Theory of State and Law, lawyer
Ural State Law University; Sverdlovsk Region Law Office «Urals Legal»
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
The article examines the origin and development of a special Soviet model of popular representation, which found expression in the Constitution of the USSR in 1936. The views of Soviet ideologists and, in particular, the genesis of Stalin's ideas regarding the possibility and necessity of creating a parliament in the Soviet state are analyzed, the main reasons for the changes that prompted I. V. To abolish the congresses of Soviets and change the opinion about the impossibility of the existence of a bicameral parliament in the Soviet state, and in fact led to the creation of the first official parliament in the country in the mid-1930s. It is concluded that the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, approved by the constitution, had a number of features peculiar to parliament in its classical sense, but did not possess the key characteristic—supremacy. A change in I. V.'s approach is also analyzed. Stalin's attitude to the elections and the circumstances surrounding the abolition of restrictions on voting rights for the former exploitative classes.
How to Cite:
Kovtun Yul. S. The Constitutional Design of the Model of Soviet Parliamentarism in the Second Half of the 1930s // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2024. Vol. 20. № 4. P. 14-27. (in Russ.) EDN: LGWFYH
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Soviet parliament, Soviet parliamentarism, Soviet people's representation, constitutional reform of the USSR, Constitution of the USSR 1936, political and legal ideology, Soviet political and legal doctrine, I. V. Stalin..

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