Fundamental Trends in the Allocation and Use of Economic Resources
( Pp. 172-179)

More about authors
Rafael V. Fattakhov Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Scientific Director of the Institute of Regional Economics and Inter-Budgetary Relations
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Astghik A. Khachatryan научный сотрудник Института региональной экономики и межбюджетных отношений
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the study of global fundamental trends and trends that have a long-term and sustainable effect, affect every inhabitant of the planet and shape human civilization for many years to come. These megatrends are changing the world faster than predicted and affecting the transformation of socio-economic and political systems. The article examines the impact of global trends and trends on human, natural and material resources. The purpose of the study is to review global fundamental trends and trends, as well as to analyze the vector and patterns of their influence on the process of allocating economic resources. Conclusions. The analysis of global trends and trends and the assessment of the impact on national key economic resources can lead to a synergistic effect in their spatial distribution. This is largely due to the interaction between trends that increase the speed and ubiquity of change. This work will be of interest to researchers in the field of spatial distribution of economic resources as the basis for balanced economic development in the long term.
How to Cite:
Fattakhov R. V., Khachatryan A. A. Fundamental Trends in the Allocation and Use of Economic Resources// ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2024. Vol. 20. № 6. P. 172-179. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.33693/2541-8025-2024-20-6-172-179. EDN: MMCPWG
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megatrends, global trends, spatial development, economic resources of Russia, distribution of economic resources..

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