Cinema as a Mirror of Urbanization: Socio-psychological Analysis of the Representation of Smart Cities in Modern Cinema
( Pp. 284-290)
More about authors
Garaganov Artur V.
researcher, Center “Locomotives of Growth”, Department of Sociology
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article examines the process of formation of public perception of smart cities and intelligent technologies by cinema. The relevance is due to the development of urbanization, the growth of megacities, the development of smart technologies of the future, reflected in domestic cinema. The work applies an interdisciplinary methodological combination of management, sociology of management, urban studies and media studies to analyze the representation of smart cities in domestic TV series. Key patterns and socio-psychological aspects of perception, such as fears and hopes associated with technological progress, are highlighted. The study emphasizes the importance of cinema in shaping citizens' ideas about new technologies, risks and expectations, which is of practical value for urbanists and managers in the renovation and planning of urban spaces. The results can be used to adapt the cultural concepts of smart cities to local conditions and in the implementation of smart city projects.
How to Cite:
Garaganov A. V. Cinema as a Mirror of Urbanization: Socio-psychological Analysis of the Representation of Smart Cities in Modern Cinema // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2024. Vol. 20. № 5. P. 284-290. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.33693/2541-8025-2024-20-5-284-290. EDN: WARVDK
Reference list:
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Effective Work of Moscow Theaters for the Benefit of Muscovites: Challenges and Prospects. (10/19/2024).
Garaganov, A. V. The «role installation» technique as a psychological and pedagogical tool for developing professional skills of film actors / A. V. Garaganov // Bulletin of GSU. —2024. —No. 4. —Pp. 140–155. —EDN GQKJBJ.
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Anthropological Understanding of the City and Methodology of Urban Studies / Yu. P. Shabaev, A. P. Sadokhin, O. V. Labunova, N. N. Sazonova // Monitoring Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. —2018. —No. 3 (145). —P. 248–267. —DOI 10.14515/monitoring.2018.3.13. —EDN OVNTZH.
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Garaganov, A. V. Preferences of video service users: results of a sociological study of the reasons for watching videos «without plot and content» / A. V. Garaganov, P. V. Razov // Social and political sciences. —2023. —Vol. 13, No. 6. —P. 154-159. —DOI 10.33693/2223-0092-2023-13-6-154-159. —EDN BXECXR.
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Effective Work of Moscow Theaters for the Benefit of Muscovites: Challenges and Prospects. (10/19/2024).
smart city, cinema, urbanization, representation, artificial intelligence, neurosociology, urban management, AI, Moscow..
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