Problematic Issues of Clearing a Land Plot from Woody and Shrubby Vegetation for Construction Purposes
( Pp. 38-47)

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Pavel V. Sizintsev Postgraduate Student, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Law; Kutafin Moscow State Law University
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Moscow, Russian Federation
This article is devoted to the issues related to the clearing of a land plot from various types of trees and shrubs that are not related to forests and grow beyond the boundaries of forest fund lands. The author examines the current legal regulation of procedures related to the formalization of the felling (demolition) of such vegetation and the procedure for the subsequent disposal of the obtained timber using the example of the preparation for the construction of a linearly extended transport and energy infrastructure. Based on the conducted research, the author expresses an opinion on the need for operational regulation of individual elements of the complex of measures for clearing the construction site from the vegetation in question in order to eliminate excessive administrative barriers in preparation for construction work.
How to Cite:
Sizintsev P.V. Problematic Issues of Clearing a Land Plot from Woody and Shrubby Vegetation for Construction Purposes. Lobbying in the Legislative Process. 2024. Vol. 3. No. 4. Pр. 38–47. (In Rus.). DOI: 10.33693/2782-7372-2024-3-4-38-47. EDN: ALOVYI
Reference list:
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woody and shrubby vegetation, forests, agricultural lands, linear objects, tree felling, timber sales.

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