( Pp. 40-47)
More about authors
Martushov Lev N.
d-r ist. nauk, professor kafedry ekonomiki svyazi
Ural technical Institute of communication and Informatics (branch) of Siberian state University of telecommunications and Informatics Mosunova Tatiana G. kandidat istoricheskih nauk, docent; docent kafedry istorii Rossii
the Ural state Pedagogical University. Ekaterinburg
Ural technical Institute of communication and Informatics (branch) of Siberian state University of telecommunications and Informatics Mosunova Tatiana G. kandidat istoricheskih nauk, docent; docent kafedry istorii Rossii
the Ural state Pedagogical University. Ekaterinburg
The article deals with various concepts of a single textbook. The authors come to the conclusion that a single concept capable of reconciling historians of different ideological directions - liberal, conservative, nationalist, religious and socialist-is the concept of patriotism. Patriotism assumes pride in the achievements and culture Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of the Motherland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and identify with other members of the people, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland and its people. The concept of patriotism is broader than the concept of “ideology”. It is not necessary that ideology be directed against someone. People can be United and quite humanistic ideas of national scale, such as the idea of prosperity of the country, the idea of combating poverty, the idea of preserving the population, etc. A patriot can be a liberal (there are no greater patriots than Americans), can be a conservative, can be a religious fundamentalist - love for the Motherland unites all.
How to Cite:
Martushov L.N., Mosunova T.G., (2019), MODERN HISTORY: THE IDEA OF PATRIOTISM IN A HISTORY TEXTBOOK FOR HIGH SCHOOL. History and Modern Perspectives, 1 => 40-47.
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