( Pp. 15-19)
The article is a response to the work of Professor B.V. Lichman, published in the previous volume of the magazine. Also in the article the main provisions of Lichman’s historical concept analyses. The author of the article discusses debatable problems and categories of modern historical science: the past as an object of history, historical truth, the dependence of the interpretation of historical events on the historian’s worldview, historical reality and historical reality. The author critically analyses these concepts, but at the same time agrees with the main provisions of the historical concept of B.V. Lichman. Author propose to clarify and to supplement some of Lichman’s concepts.
How to Cite:
Grigory I.G., (2019), ABOUT SOME DISCUSSABLE ISSUES OF THE CONCEPT OF PROFESSOR B.V. LICHMAN. History and Modern Perspectives, 4 => 15-19.
Reference list:
[Hegel G.V.F. Lectures on the history of philosophy. In 3 books. Book 1. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1993. P. 343.]
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[The history of Russia from ancient times to the second half of the XIX century: Lecture course. Ekaterinburg: Ural. gos. techn. un-t, 1995. 304 p.]
[Krugloe N.A. Transcendental // New philosophical encyclopaedia. In 4 vols. / Ed. V.S. Styopina. Moscow: Mysl’, 2001.]
[Lichman B.V. The history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the XIX century: A textbook for universities. 2 ed. Moscow: Yurajt, 2019. 245 p.]
[Lichman B.V. Abstracts for the discussion of the concept “goal, meaning in history - goal, meaning in worldview - goal, meaning in the national idea”. History and Modern Worldview. 2019. Vol. 1. No. 3. P. 9-13.]
[Lubskij A.V. Historical reality // Theory and methodology of historical science. Akvilon, 2014. P. 84.]
[Megill A. Historical Epistemology. Moscow: Kanon+, 2007. 480 p.]
[Science // Philosophy: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. A.A. Ivina. Moscow: Gardariki, 2004. 1072 p.]
[Savel`eva I.M. The acquisition of the method / Droisen I.G. The historian. Lectures on the encyclopaedia and methodology of history. St. Petersburg, 2004. P. 5-24.]
[Andre Comte-Sponville // Philosophical dictionary. Moscow: Palimpsest, E`terna, 2012.]
[Hobbes T. Leviathan, or matter, form and power of the state of the church and civil // Elect. works. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. Moscow, 1964. 747 p.]
[The history of Russia from ancient times to the second half of the XIX century: Lecture course. Ekaterinburg: Ural. gos. techn. un-t, 1995. 304 p.]
[Krugloe N.A. Transcendental // New philosophical encyclopaedia. In 4 vols. / Ed. V.S. Styopina. Moscow: Mysl’, 2001.]
[Lichman B.V. The history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the XIX century: A textbook for universities. 2 ed. Moscow: Yurajt, 2019. 245 p.]
[Lichman B.V. Abstracts for the discussion of the concept “goal, meaning in history - goal, meaning in worldview - goal, meaning in the national idea”. History and Modern Worldview. 2019. Vol. 1. No. 3. P. 9-13.]
[Lubskij A.V. Historical reality // Theory and methodology of historical science. Akvilon, 2014. P. 84.]
[Megill A. Historical Epistemology. Moscow: Kanon+, 2007. 480 p.]
[Science // Philosophy: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. A.A. Ivina. Moscow: Gardariki, 2004. 1072 p.]
[Savel`eva I.M. The acquisition of the method / Droisen I.G. The historian. Lectures on the encyclopaedia and methodology of history. St. Petersburg, 2004. P. 5-24.]
[Andre Comte-Sponville // Philosophical dictionary. Moscow: Palimpsest, E`terna, 2012.]
multi-conceptual history, ideological approach, past, historical truth, historical reality, historical reality, object and subject of history as a science.
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