Features of Historical Education at the Turn of 1960-1970. (Based on the Materials of the Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky)
( Pp. 85-95)
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Vladimir D. Kamynin
Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The article analyzes the peculiarities of obtaining historical education in the USSR in the era of the beginning of the transition to «restalinization» at the turn of 1960-1970 on the basis of the use of sources of personal origin. The Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky (USU), the history department of which the author of this article graduated in 1972, was an average regional university of the country. However, in the field of historical education, there were processes in this educational institution that often went beyond the typical peripheral university. The article considers the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process at the faculty of history, describes some teachers, their approach to teaching the subjects being read, the situation that has developed at the faculty. Naturally, the observations of the author of the article are subjective. However, the author allows them to be expressed, given that by now a significant and unique array of sources of personal origin has accumulated, allowing for the reconstruction of the processes that took place at the historical faculty of USU. The essence of these processes, in our opinion, was that the change in the policy of the ruling party at the turn of 1960-1970 was directly embodied in the teaching of social and historical disciplines at the «ideological» faculty. Students who received a historical education at USU during these years saw with their own eyes the struggle between the old and the new in teaching.
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Reference list:
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Pihoya R. G. Notes of an archeographer. M.: Russian Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Science, 2016. 496 p. Part 1 Memoirs of a student of the USU Faculty of History. Рp. 10-30.
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Valery Mikhailenko. «The standard of civility has no alternatives...» // International Processes. Vol. 18. No. 3 (62). Рp. 154-163.
Questions of the history of capitalist Russia (the problem of multiformity). Sverdlovsk: [b.i.], 1972. 376 p.
Gavrilov D. V. Dissident «theory of multiformity»: the test of time for reliability and viability // Ural industrial. Bakunin reader. Mate. V region.scientific. conf., December 2002. Ekaterinburg: BKI, 2003. P. 5-22.
Gening V. F. Autobiography of scientific activity // Melnikova O. M. Sverdlovsk scientific archaeological school of V. F. Gening (1960-1974): Materials and research of the Kamsko-Vyatka archaeological expedition. Vol. 9. Izhevsk: UdSU, 2003. Рp. 145-181.
Goldina R. D. My way to archeology // Research traditions in the archeology of the Kama region. Vol. 4. Collection of scientific papers dedicated to Goldina R. D. for scientific contribution to the development of regional archeology. Izhevsk, UdGU, 2002. Рp. 17-54.
Goldina R. D. My Volodya Kananin // My Kananin (a person, teacher, researcher). Izhevsk: UdGU, 2016. Р. 99-133.
Breathe freedom: A book about Yuri Kiryakov. Yekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. un-ta, 2016. 318 p.
Zaitsev G. B. Lifting the curtain of thin Chinese silk... (Memoirs of a Russian repatriate) / / White Army. Beloe delo Issue 5. Yekaterinburg, LLC «Publishing House of UMC UPI», 1998. Yekaterinburg, 1998. Рp. 90-113.
Kamynin V. D. Personal factor in historical science (historiographic portraits). Yekaterinburg, 2012. 286 p.
Kamynin V. D. «Passions according to V. V. Adamov» // West, East and Russia: Historical politics and the politics of memory. Questions of universal history. Yekaterinburg, 2014.Issue. 16. Рp. 224-237.
Kamynin V. D. From the history of historical science in the Urals at the turn of the 1960s-1970s. // History and modern worldview. 2019. Vol. 1. No. 3. Рp. 62-71.
Kamynin V. D. Personal and professional communications of historians of the Ural University at the turn of the 1960s-1970s. // Creative laboratory of a historian: horizons of the possible (to the 90th anniversary of the birth of B. G. Mogilnitsky). Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference with international participation (Tomsk, October 3-4, 2019): in two parts. Tomsk: Publishing House Vol. un-ta, 2019. Ch. I. Р. 44-49.
Kamynin V. D., Levkovskaya G. A., Chusova L. P. Memories of Natalia Nikolaevna's classmates // The world of the historian and the space of history: Collection of articles for the anniversary of Professor N. N. Alevras. Chelyabinsk: Encyclopedia, 2018. Рp. 20-26.
Kapsalykova K. R. The VIII All-Union session of the Byzantivists of the USSR in 1969 (based on the materials of the archive of M. Y. Syuzyumov) // History and modern worldview. 2019. Vol. 1. No. 2. Рp. 98-104.
Kiselev M. A. On the question of the principles of publishing texts of the Soviet samizdat: several critical remarks // Historical expertise. 2020. No. 2 (23). Рp. 343-354.
Kuznetsov I. V. On the ways and multiformity of capitalist Russia // Questions of history. 1974. No. 7. P. 20-32.
Kuzmin V. A. Returning with memory // Breathe freedom: A book about Yuri Kiryakov. Yekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. un-ta, 2016. 318 p. Р. 122-129.
Kulagina G. A. Witness of the century. Ekaterinburg: The Ural State University, 2005. 170 p.
Levykin K. G., Sivolobov A. M., Sharapov G. V. About the book «Questions of history of capitalist Russia: the challenge of multiformity» // Questions of history of the CPSU. 1973. No. 11. P. 108-115.
Mikhailenko V. I. About languages, freedom and elites who think they are holding God by the beard URL: // https://www.uralweb.ru/pages /archiv/127-valeriy-ivanovich-mihaylenko.html (accessed 03.09.2021).
My Kananin (a person, teacher, researcher). Izhevsk: UdGU, 2016. 198 p.
Mokhov A. S. The letter of Professor N. A. Bortnik to the editorial office of the magazine «Communist» about the «bourgeois» historian M. Ya. Syuzyumov (1969) // Party Archives. Past and present, development prospects: Materials of the VI interregional (with international participation) scientific and practical conference. Orenburg, May 19-20, 2021. Yekaterinburg: Universal Printing House Alfa-Print, LLC, 2021. Р. 306-317.
Scientific schools of the Ural Federal University: encyclopedia / under the general ed. of Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof. V. V. Zaparia. Yekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. un-ta, 2020. 512 p.
Olkhovaya L. V. Memories of a teacher // Socio-economic and political development of the Urals in the XIX-XX centuries. To the 90th anniversary of the birth of V. V. Adamov. Yekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House.un-ta. 2004. Рp. 7-12.
Pihoya R. G. Moscow. Kremlin.Authority. Forty years after the war. M.: Rus-Olympus; Astrel; AST, 2007. 715 p.
Pihoya R. G. Notes of an archeographer. M.: Russian Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Science, 2016. 496 p. Part 1 Memoirs of a student of the USU Faculty of History. Рp. 10-30.
Polikarpov V. V. «New direction» of the 50-70s: the last discussion of Soviet historians / / Soviet historiography. Moscow: Ross. gos. humanit. un-т. 1996. Рp. 379-400.
Polyakovskaya M. A. The scientist and the time: To the 100th anniversary of the birth of M. Ya. Syuzyumov // Byzantine vremennik. M., 1993. Vol. 54. Р. 170-182.
Prischepa A. I. Dissenting historian V. V. Adamov // Stone belt on the threshold of the Millennium. Ekaterinburg: BKI, 1997. P. 70-74.
Mikhail Yakovlevich Syuzyumov. Collection of documents. Yekaterinburg: GASO, TSDOOSO, UNESCO club «Archivist». 1996. No. 5. 26 p.
Chronological list of works by Vladimir Adamov // Problems of Russian history: from traditional to industrial society. Ekaterinburg: NPMP «Volot», 1996. P. 175-179.
Chernouhov A. V. The Historical faculty of the Ural state University.1956-1970.Ekaterinburg: publishing house of Ural University, 2013. 143 p.
Shevarov D. G. Genii Bondarev // Izv. Ural. state un-т. 2000. No. 16. C. 141-146.
A. M. Gorky Ural State University, historical education, sources of personal origin, the struggle of the old and the new in teaching.