La Resistenza a Roma durante l’occupazione nazista. Il ruolo dei socialisti e il martirio di Bruno Buozzi
( Pp. 62-69)

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Neglie Pietro professor
University of Trieste (Università degli Studi di Trieste or UniTS)
Trieste, Italia
In this essay we want to reconsider the role of the socialists in the Resistance in Rome, showing that their role was by no means marginal. Of course, the centrality of the Garibaldi Brigades in Italy occupied by the Nazis cannot be denied, compared to them, the action of the Matteotti Brigades was actually negligible, but in Rome the socialists were protagonists. During the Nazi occupation, in conditions of grave danger, the socialist Bruno Buozzi, secretary of the General Confederation of Labor when Fascism took power, entered into delicate negotiations to reconstitute the union, committing himself so that it was unitary and therefore included communists, socialists and Christian Democrats. In Rome occupied by the Nazis, every form of disobedience acquired the characteristics of an opposition, a real resistance which, among other things, was organized by the military apparatuses of the Socialist and Communist parties. Sabotage and disturbance actions were organized daily to make life impossible for the enemy, who reacted with tremendous reprisals. Thanks to spies, the leaders of the opposition were arrested and among them also Bruno Buozzi whose arrest and death are still not clear in all their complex dynamics. Immediately after the arrival of the Allies in Rome, the union was reconstituted but the agreement, the result of mediation and the long work of Buozzi in the first place, was backdated in homage to his commitment and sacrifice.
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Reference list:
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CGdL, Bruno Buozzi, Resistenza, Governo Badoglio, Patto di Roma, Sindacato unitario, Resistenza romana, CGdL, Bruno Buozzi, Resistenza, Governo Badoglio, Patto di Roma, Sindacato unitario, Resistenza romana.

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