( Pp. 21-30)

More about authors
Martushov Lev N. d-r ist. nauk, professor kafedry ekonomiki svyazi
Ural technical Institute of communication and Informatics (branch) of Siberian state University of telecommunications and Informatics
The article analyzes methodological research and new approaches that have appeared in post-Soviet historical science. The author comes to the conclusion that history has always been characterized by the action of numerous factors, a set of cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies. What makes up the fabric of history is the result of the interaction of factors, and this interaction manifested in events and processes is diverse, as well as a measure of the importance of each of them in any particular situation. In the history of such a factor, which would be the only and ultimate basis for its development, does not exist. History is a product of the interaction of factors, in which cause and effect change places: the consequence has the opposite effect on the cause and in turn becomes the cause of something new. Therefore, not monocausal, but multifactorial approach to history is the only rational way.
How to Cite:
Martushov L.N., (2019), THE EXISTING CONCEPTS OF HISTORICAL SCIENCE. History and Modern Perspectives, 1 => 21-30.
Reference list:
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