Gender issues in the anti-immigrant agenda of European radical right
( Pp. 72-80)
More about authors
Burmistrova Ekaterina S.
aspirant kafedry politicheskih nauk; assistent kafedry istorii i arheologii
Perm State University
Perm State University
An attempt to show the role of women's rights in
the anti-immigrant agenda of European right-wing radicals has been undertaken
in the article. The author addresses to representative trends of modern right-wing
radicals in Europe. The concept of «Eurabia» and the theory of Great
Replacement are used as the theoretical substantiation of the anti-migrant
views of right-wing radicals. The main message of these theories is related to
the fact that the decline in the birth rate in Europe, combined with the
increase in migrant flows, will lead to the replacement of European politics
and lifestyle with Islamic values. Right-wing radicals emphasize that the
European way of life and values are fundamentally incompatible with the Muslim
way of life. Moreover, within the framework of the policy of modernizing their
image, right-wing radicals complement the concept of «traditional European
values», which they have always defended, with «liberal» values of women's
emancipation. Thus, right-wing radicals are forming the image of European enemy
- a patriarchal Muslim migrant. To recreate this portrait and to identify the
main features of the rhetoric of right-wing radicals regarding the threat of a
migrant invasion of female emancipation, the author addresses party programs,
political posters, interviews with party leaders, media materials and
right-wing radical news portals. Special attention is paid to the debate about
the right to wear the paranja - the main pressure point for the European right-wing
radical, for whom paranja is a kind of «banner» of Islam. The foregoing allows
concluding that, on the one hand, the use of the women's rights expands the
range of arguments of right-wing radicals against European migration policy,
and on the other hand, it allows radical right to establish themselves as
defenders of women's rights associated with human rights as the main European
How to Cite:
Burmistrova E.S., (2020), GENDER ISSUES IN THE ANTI-IMMIGRANT AGENDA OF EUROPEAN RADICAL RIGHT. History and Modern Perspectives, 4 => 72-80.
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Ung kvinde dr bt i kryds, der h rges af indvandreres vanvidsk rsel - k rel rere kommer med opsigtsv kkende advarsel // Den korte avis. 9 oktober 2020. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 14.10.2020)
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Wood C., Finlay W. M. British National Party representations of Muslims in the month after the London bombings: Homogeneity, threat, and the conspiracy tradition / British Journal of Social Psychology. 2008. № 47. P. 707-726.
Yeor B. Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis. London. 2005.388 p.
Z quete J.P. The European extreme-right and Islam: New directions // Journal of Political Ideologies. 2008. №13:3. P. 321-344.
Programma dlya Germanii: programma AdG. 2017.104 c.
Achtung, das Kopftuch kommt // Der Spiegel. 11 August 2018. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 8.10.2020)
Barker M. The new racism. 1981. London: Junction Books. 183 p.
Camus R. You will not replace us Plieux. 2018. 202 p.
Collectif N m sis: Nous Toutes pr f re la fid lit aux dogmes gauchistes plut t que la s curit des femmes // L Incorrect. 4 d cembre 2019. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 10.10.2020)
De agenda van hoop en optimisme. Een tijd om te kiezen: PVV 2010-2015. Partij voor de Vrijheid, 2010. 59 p.
En by laver nu k nsopdelte borgerm der - det voksende antal muslimer betyder, at alle bliver underlagt islams kvindeundertrykkelse // Den korte avis. 4 oktober 4, 2020. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 14.10.2020)
English Defence League Mission Statement // English Defence League. 3 January 2016. URL: /mission-statement/ (data obrashcheniya: 8.10.2020)
Farris S. In the name of women s right. The rise of femonationalism. Duke University Press. 2017. 258 p.
From Le Pen to Alice Weidel: how the European far-right set its sights on women // The Guardian. 29 January 2019. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 8.10.2020)
I det indvandrert tte Aarhus Vest kommer politiets fotovogne ikke, selv om der bliver k rt helt tosset - det giver politiet en ganske speciel forklaring p // Den korte avis. 15 oktober, 2015. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 14.10.2020)
Kommunen ordnar k nsuppdelade m ten i Brandk rr // S dermanlands Nyheter. 11 oktober, 2020. URL: /artikel/4r1wee1l (data obrashcheniya: 14.10.2020)
Kopftuchverbot in sterreich f r Grundsch lerinnen: Gegen politischen Islam und Unterwerfung // Compact Online. 16. Mai 2019. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 8.10.2020)
La la cit peut-elle constituer un rempart face au communautarisme islamique // L Incorrect. 14 octobre 2019. URL: /la-laicite-peut-elle-constituer-un-rempart-face-au-communautarisme-islamique/ (data obrashcheniya: 10.10.2020)
La la cit peut-elle constituer un rempart face au communautarisme islamique // L Incorrect. 14 octobre 2019. URL: /la-laicite-peut-elle-constituer-un-rempart-face-au-communautarisme-islamique/ (data obrashcheniya: 10.10.2020)
Les 144 engagements pr sidentiels. 2017. 24 p.
Marine Le Pen associe le harc lement de rue aux ressortissants de l immigration // L Express. 15 Janvier 2018. URL: 1976268.html (data obrashcheniya: 10.10.2020)
Marine Le Pen: Un r f rendum pour sortir de la crise migratoire // L Opinion. 13 Janvier 2016. URL: /edition/politique /marine-pen-referendum-sortir-crise-migratoire-94568 (data obrashcheniya: 10.10.2020)
Marion Mar chal Le Pen explains why feminists are hypocrites. URL: v cmhFLUesQBs (data obrashcheniya: 10.10.2020)
Mudde S. The Ideology of the Extreme Right. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2000. 224 p.
Pilkington, H. Loud and Proud: Passion and Politics in the English Defence League. 2016. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 272 p.
Politik als kriminelle Beihilfe // Junge Freiheit. 21 August 2020. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 8.10.2020)
Pr gelei in Uni Frankfurt: Beim Thema Verschleierung fliegen die F uste // Compact Online. 17 Januar 2020. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 8.10.2020)
Spierings N., Lubbers M., Zaslove A., Sexually Modern Nativist Voters : Do They Exist and Do They Vote for the Populist Radical Right / Gender and Education. 2017. № 29 (2). P. 216-237.
Spini D. Unveiling Violence: Gender and Migration in the Discourse of Right-Wing Populism // Women and migration: responses in art and history. Ed. by Willis D., Toscano E., Brooks Nelson K. Cambridge. Open Book Publishers. 2019. P. 135-154.
Tenue correcte exig e // L Incorrect. 15 septembre 2020. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 10.10.2020)
Til forsvar for den danske kulturarv // BerlingskeTidende. 19 marts 2011. (data obrashcheniya: 14.10.2020)
Ung kvinde dr bt i kryds, der h rges af indvandreres vanvidsk rsel - k rel rere kommer med opsigtsv kkende advarsel // Den korte avis. 9 oktober 2020. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 14.10.2020)
van Dijk T. A. Elite discourse and racism. 1993. London: Sage. 336 p.
Weidel A. Die AfD begr t das Gesichtsschleierverbot an der Universit t Kiel // Alternative f r Deutschland. 13. Februar 2019. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 8.10.2020)
Weidel A. Die AfD ist die einzige echte Schutzmacht f r Schwule und Lesben in Deutschland // Alternative f r Deutschland. 20 September 2017. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 8.10.2020)
Weidel A. Frauen und M dchen sind Leidtragende verfehlter Migrationspolitik der Regierung // Alternative f r Deutschland. 10. Juli 2019. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 8.10.2020)
Wood C., Finlay W. M. British National Party representations of Muslims in the month after the London bombings: Homogeneity, threat, and the conspiracy tradition / British Journal of Social Psychology. 2008. № 47. P. 707-726.
Yeor B. Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis. London. 2005.388 p.
Z quete J.P. The European extreme-right and Islam: New directions // Journal of Political Ideologies. 2008. №13:3. P. 321-344.
right-wing radicalism, gender, traditional values, migrant crisis.
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