Military Development and Military Formations in the Territory of Perm Province During the First World War: to the Historiography of the Problem
( Pp. 114-118)

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Alexandr V. Emelyanov
GAUK SO «Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore»
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the history of the study of such an important aspect of all-Russian and regional history as the question of the formation, deployment and functioning of military units in such a deep rear region of Russia as the Ural (Perm province) during the First World War. Both general works and studies carried out on local material are considered. As an integral part of the Kazan military district, Perm province became during this period one of the main mobilization bases and arsenals of the Russian army. The purpose of the article is to show how issues related to the mobilization and deployment of military units on the territory of the Perm province, its role in replenishing the army in the field, were reflected in domestic historical and popular literature. Despite the extensive historiography of the First World War, these issues were not fully reflected in Soviet and modern Russian historiography.
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historiography, Russian Imperial Army, World War I, Perm province, Kazan military district, garrisons of the Urals, mobilization, reserve troops, State militia.

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