( Pp. 13-18)
The article considers the process of human creativity and humanity from an idealistic position, which is based on ideas that create a new reality. The author considers creativity to be the main driving force of history. It begins with the creation of new ideas that precede each historical action. Human consciousness, creating ideas, is a source of historical development, therefore the over- whelming majority of historical events can be explained from the standpoint of an idealistic approach.Ideas unite in ideology, which allows you to look at the world from one point of view, and create a complete picture of the world. Previous ideologies can not be regarded as inferior or flawed, with respect to subsequent ones. They are self-sufficient and full-fledged, because they successfully built historical reality. The first known ideological systems were mythological, they were replaced by religious ones, which were replaced by rationalistic ideology. In the Russian and Soviet society, the pagan, Orthodox religious, communist and liberal ideology consistently dominated.The change of ideology occurs as a result of dissatisfaction with the former dominant ideas and their inefficiency in the outside world. Such shifts occurred in the X century, when Christianity changed paganism, in 1917 it was replaced by communism, and in 1991, on the wave of disillusionment with communism, the liberal idea triumphed.The article on a historical background analyses the process of changing ideologies, their development and subsequent decline.The change of ideologies inevitably led to a change in the forms of the socio-political structure, economic activity, change in the forms of cultural, everyday life and life. If during the domination of the religious ideology the emphasis was on the spiritual life, and its material component was secondary, then with the transition to the rationalistic communist worldview, the main focus was on the material sphere, which resulted in success in the economy, military production, and economic life. The first half of the existence of the Soviet Union is the time of the greatest successes of the Russian and other peoples who implement the communist idea. Disappointment in communism led to a reduction in creativity, stagnation in science, technology, social and cultural life.The transition to a liberal ideology did not bring the expected success in the socio-economic sphere and the growth of welfare, on the contrary, the country began to deteriorate, this is particularly reflected in creativity. Science, industry, technology have ceased to develop. The country was on the verge of another collapse.
How to Cite:
Grigory I.G., (2019), CREATIVITY AS THE BASIS OF THE WORLDVIEW: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE. History and Modern Perspectives, 3 => 13-18.
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