«Do not Emphasize this Issue in the First Place...». The Study of Islam in Soviet Historical Science in the 1920s-1930s
( Pp. 76-84)
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Rolskiy Aleksandr I.
aspirant kafedry istorii i teorii mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy
Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky
Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky
Omsk, Russian Federation
The article analyzes the main factors that reveal the specifics of the study of Islam in Soviet historical science in the 1920s-1930s. These include the dialectical-materialist method, which determined the Marxist methodological approach to religious topics, the normative legal acts of the Soviet state, which outlined the framework for the interaction of church and state in the period under review, atheism as a certain historical form of attitude towards religion in society. The sources for the analysis were the texts of scientific and journalistic works of Soviet historians, which traced the influence of these factors in the study of Islam. The aim of the study is to identify the specifics of the interaction between science and politics on the example of studying the scientific heritage of Soviet Islamic scholars in the context of weak institutionalization of Soviet historical science. The history of the study of Islam during this period showed that the approach to religious problems depended, first of all, on the political situation. Changes in the domestic and foreign policy tasks of the Soviet state, which included territories with a significant Muslim population, were reflected in a peculiar way in works on this subject. This, in turn, allows us to speak of the existence of autonomous stages in the study of Islam in the USSR. However, despite the obvious ideological bias and the influence of the state's religious policy on scientific research, works appeared that have not lost their scientific significance today.
How to Cite:
Rolskiy A.I., (2021), «DO NOT EMPHASIZE THIS ISSUE IN THE FIRST PLACE...». THE STUDY OF ISLAM IN SOVIET HISTORICAL SCIENCE IN THE 1920S-1930S. History and Modern Perspectives, 3 => 76-84.
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Kryvelev IA History of religions: Essays in 2 volumes / IA Kryvelev; Institute of Ethnography. N. N. Miklouho-Maclay of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Institute of Scientific Atheism of the General Assembly of the Central Committee of the CPSU. - 2nd ed., Rev. - Moscow: Mysl, 1988 .-- T. 1.- 445 p.
Mukhtorov A. History of Ura-Tyube: late 15th - early 20th centuries. / A. Mukhtorov; Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography. A. Donisha Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. - 2nd ed., Add. - Dushanbe: [b. and.], 1999. - 295 p.
Naumkin V.V. Failed partnership. Soviet diplomacy in Saudi Arabia between the world wars / Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Moscow: Publishing house «Aspect Press», 2018 - 456 p.
Naumkin V. V. Islam and Muslims: culture and politics: Articles, essays and reports of different years / V. V. Naumkin; Center for Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod: Medina Publishing House, 2008. - 768 p.
Reisner MA Ideology of the East: Essays on the Eastern theocracy. - 2nd ed., Reprinted. with ed. 1927 - Moscow: Book House Librokom, 2012 .-- 344 p.
Safarov GI Colonial Revolution: Experience of Turkestan; Bochagov, A. Alash-Orda: A short historical sketch of the national-bourgeois movement in Kazakhstan during the period 1917-1919. - Almaty: Zhalyn, 1996 .-- 272 p.
Smirnov N.A. Essays on the history of the study of Islam in the USSR. - Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1954 .-- 275 p.
Smirnov N.A. Fifty years of Soviet Islamic studies // Questions of scientific atheism. The victories of the scientific and atheistic worldview in the USSR for 50 years. - Moscow, 1967 - Issue 4 - P. 406 - 426.
Smirnov N. A. Modern Islam / N. A. Smirnov; Central Council of the Union of Militant Atheists of the USSR. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - Moscow: Atheist, 1930 .-- 228 p.
Farkshatov MN Diplomatic mission of the Soviet delegation at the World Congress of Muslims in 1926 // Problems of Oriental Studies. - 2019. - No. 4 (86). - S. 19-26.
Yaroslavsky EM How gods and goddesses are born, live and die. - Moscow: Publishing house Krasnaya Nov. Glavpolitprosvet, 1923 .-- 283 p.
Decrees of the Soviet government. October 25, 1917 - March 16, 1918 M .: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1957. T. 1. 626 p.
Islam and the Soviet State: Based on materials from the Eastern Department of the OGPU. 1926 / comp. D. Yu. Arapov [and others]; otv. ed. A. Yu. Khabutdinov. - Moscow: Publishing house. house of Mardjani, 2010. - Issue. 1. - 152 p.
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee: (1898-1986) / under total. ed. A. G. Egorova [and others]; Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU. - 9th ed., Add. and corrected. - Moscow: Publishing house of political literature, 1983. - T. 2: 1917-1922. - 606 p.
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee: (1898-1986) / under total. ed. A. G. Egorova [and others]; Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU. - 9th ed., Add. and corrected. - Moscow: Publishing house of political literature, 1984. - T. 3: 1922-1925. - 494 p.
Islam, atheism, propaganda, religion, USSR, historiography.
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