( Pp. 12-20)
The subject of the article is an idealistic approach to history, that is, the theory and methodology of building the image of the past as part of a general worldview of the world. From an idealistic position, history appears as a science, not so much studying the past, as creating it. Scientific history is considered as one of the ways to create the past. Its dominance in today's historical discourse is explained, its connection with memory, theory and facts is revealed. The main factor of historical development, according to the author, are the ideas that are created by human consciousness. The idea created by a particular individual, breaking away from it and becoming the possession of other people, acquires the power of an objective idea directing historical actions. Creating the past, the historian tries to restore the previous states of reality. The historian has only an indirect connection with the events of the past, and this connection passes through one or several witnesses' minds, therefore it is ideal. The theory is a system of ideas that explains the objective real and subjective ideal world and creates their images. The largest theoretical system is the human worldview. The theory of history is the historian's view of the past. These are the main ideas that determine the way of perception of historical material, its processing and interpretation, the creation of an image of the past. In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of an idealistic approach to history are analyzed.
How to Cite:
Grigory I.G., (2015), IDEALISTIC VIEW ON HISTORY. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 12-20.
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