( Pp. 77-84)
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Sergei V. Vorobyov
Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Senior Research Fellow
Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the analysis of modern historical literature on the problem of party-state nomenclature of the Ural of the 1920s-1930s. The work shows the main directions of research established during the period under review, which consider various aspects of the functioning and activity of the regional nomenclature. Within the first direction of research historians were interested in the problem of functioning of the Soviet political system at the regional level, issues of personnel policy carried out by the central leadership of the country with regard to Ural leaders party cleansing of the 1920s-1930s as an element of personnel policy to regulate the composition of nomenclature, reasons for political repression of 1937-1938 and their consequences for the regional system of power.The second direction of research closely related to the first was the study of the social portrait of the party-state nomenclature of the Ural period of NEP and early Stalinism. Within the framework of this direction, the researchers systematized information of a reference and biographical nature about party leaders of the Ural in handbooks, as well as carried out specific-historical work on the social characteristics of the regional party-state nomenclature, the evolution of its social portrait during the period under review.The third area of research focused on such aspects of the political daily life of nomenclature as conflicts, formal and informal (cartridge-client) relations among decision-makers, discursive and corrupt practices, abuses of power, and cult practices.The article thus presents the key findings and conclusions of the authors regarding the topics they have studied. It is concluded that not all researchers have been able to reach consensus, the need for further research into the regional system of power of the period under review and the party-state nomenclature, as its integral element, with the involvement of new archival sources and their interpretation on the basis of a new conceptual understanding, is mentioned.
How to Cite:
Sergei V.V., (2019), MODERN RUSSIAN HISTORIOGRAPHY THE PARTY-STATE NOMENCLATURE OF THE URALS 1920-S-1930-S. History and Modern Perspectives, 4 => 77-84.
Reference list:
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[Vorobyov S.V. “..With Lenin in the head and with a revolver in his hand”: A Collective portrait of the Yekaterinburg provincial organization of the RCP(b), 1919-1923. Part 3.5: Incident M.M. Kharitonov: party “squabble” as a mechanism of personnel changes. Yekaterinburg, 2019. P. 199-206.]
[Vorobyov S.V. Conflict in the Kurgan district Committee of the RCP(b): Red partisans against the head of the organizational Department A.G. Osokin. Bulletin of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2017. No. 4 (24). P. 67-78.]
[Vorobyov S.V. N.I. Ufimtsev and Yekaterinburg gubkom RCP(b): Conflict with the center and its consequences // Soviet project. 1917-1930: Stages and mechanisms of implementation: Collection of scientific papers. Yekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House University, 2018. P. 204-216.]
[Vorobyov S.V. Party leader of the Urals M.M. Kharitonov in the internal party struggle and intrigues of the first half of the 1920s. Bulletin of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Series: History of Science. 2017. No. 4 (28). P. 35-49.]
[Vorobyov S.V. Case of N.M. Shvernik: Conflict in the leadership of the Ural region in 1927-1928. Bulletin of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Series: History of Science. 2019. No. 3 (35). P. 36-46.]
[Vorobyov S.V. The Temptations of NEP: The malfeasance of decision makers and economic managers of the Urals in the 1920-ies. Bulletin of Perm State University. Series: History. 2014. No. 2 (25). P. 60-71.]
[Vorobyov S.V. Uralburo of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) in the party hierarchy: Between the center and the regions. Bulletin of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. 2016. No. 3 (19). P. 52-64.]
[Vorobyov S.V. Formation of the power vertical of the Soviet political system during the NEP (on the example of the Urals) // State and people in the conditions of the socialist experiment the experience of retrospective analysis. Yekaterinburg, 2008. P. 47-96.]
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[Gorbachev O.V. “..With Lenin in the head and with a revolver in his hand”: A Collective portrait of the Yekaterinburg provincial organization of the RCP(b), 1919-1923. Part 7.2. “Leading and directing”: Responsible party-Soviet workers. Yekaterinburg, 2019. P. 385-403.]
[Ivanova M.A. Stalin’s “personnel revolution” of 1937-1938: Regional aspect (based on the materials of the Kama region) // 1 Astafiev Readings (May 17-18, 2002). Perm, 2003.]
[Koldushko A.A. “Every time in a new tie.!” Cult practices of regional nomenclature in the 1930s // Scientific works of the History Department of Zaporizhzhia State University. No. XXIII: The political elite in the history of Ukraine. Zaporizhzhia: Prosvita, 2008. P. 229-239.]
[Koldushko A.A. “I have never lived so miserably as in Perm, and I will not live!”: Life and customs of the Perm nomenclature of the mid-1930s // Everyday nomenclature: Digest of articles. Perm, 2013. Pp. 76-88.]
[Koldusko A.A., Lejbovic O.L. Discursive practices of the Great Terror in the Urals (1936-1938). Cahiers du Monde Russe. 2015. No. 3-4. P. 235-265.]
[Koldushko A.A. Dynamics of the social composition of the regional party nomenclature in the Ural (Sverdlovsk) region in the second half of the 1920s - the first half of the 1930s. Scientific Notes of the Faculty of Humanities. Vol. 14. Perm: PGTU publ., 2005. P. 94-102.]
[Koldushko A.A. Personnel revolution in the party nomenclature in the Urals in 1936-1938: Diss.. cand. Historical Sciences. Perm, 2006. 222 p.]
[Koldushko A.A. Education as an element of the social portrait of the party nomenclature in the 1920s-1930s (on the example of Sverdlovsk and Perm regions). Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Culture, History, Philosophy, Law. 2010. No. 3. P. 105-111.]
[Koldushko A.A. The First secretaries of district and city committees of the CPSU(b) of the Perm region in 1938-1941: Strokes to the social portrait // Formation of the humanitarian environment and extracurricular work in the University, College, School: Materials of the VIII All-Russian Sciens-Pract. Conference (April 25, 2006). Vol. 2. Perm, 2006. P. 87-90.]
[Koldushko A.A. The Problem of efficiency of regional nomenclature in the first half of the 1930s (on the example of the Sverdlovsk region). Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Culture, History, Philosophy, Law. 2009. No. 1. P. 159-168.]
[Koldushko A.A. Processes of incorporation and excorporation of the party nomenclature in the 1920s-1930s. Power. 2012. No. 3. P. 173-176.]
[Koldushko A.A. Social characteristics of the regional party nomenclature, repressed in 1937-1938 (based on the materials of the Sverdlovsk region) // Nomenclature and nomenclature practices in Russia: materials of the Internet conference “Nomenclature and nomenclature practices in Russia” (February-April 2007). Perm, 2007. P. 159-170.]
[Korolev N.S. The problem of participation of Bolshevik leaders of local level in transition to NEP in 1921- 1923 (on the example of K.V. Ryndin’s biography) // Culture - art - education: interdependence of results of science and practice: Materials of XXXIII scientific-practical conference of the teaching staff of the Academy. In 2 parts. Chelyabinsk. 2012. P. 90-95.]
[Korolev N.S. Ryndin as a typical representative of the party leadership 20-30-ies of XX century: Diss.. cand. Historical Sciences. Chelyabinsk, 2004. 257 p.]
[Kyrchikov M.S. I.D. Kabakov and Ural regionalism of the late 1920s - mid-1930s. Scientific Dialogue. 2017. No. 5. P. 198-207.]
[Leibovich O., Koldushko A. And victims who? Cult practices of local nomenclature before the great terror. Retrospective. Perm Historical and Archival Journal. 2008. No. 1 (6). P. 15-23.]
[Mazur L.N. “..With Lenin in the head and with a revolver in his hand”: A Collective portrait of the Yekaterinburg provincial organization of the RCP(b), 1919-1923. Part 3.3. The leaders of the Yekaterinburg party organization and their successors. Yekaterinburg, 2019. P. 174-185.]
[Nechaeva S.V. Leaders of the political elite of the Chelyabinsk region. Chelyabinsk, 2006. 380 p.]
[Sushkov A.V. “The case of the Sverdlovsk regional Executive Committee”. The privileged life of the “Ural leaders” in the first half of the 1930s. Free Thought. 2019. No. 3. P. 91-106.]
[Sushkov A.V. “Cadres decide everything!”: I.V. Stalin’s personnel policy and the leaders of the Sverdlovsk region in the second half of the 1930s. // Actualization of historical knowledge and historical education in modern society. Yearbook: XVII all-Russian historical and pedagogical readings. Yekaterinburg, 2013. Part II. P. 265-278.]
[Sushkov A.V. Ten months of Abram Stolyar: Sverdlovsk leadership in the political whirlpools of 1937-1938. Russia XXI. 2017. No. 1. P. 130-157.]
[Sushkov A.V. Leaders of the city of Sverdlovsk: The first secretaries of the city Committee of the CPSU(b)-CPSU (1932-1991), the second secretaries of the city Committee of the CPSU(b) (1937-1950): Historical and biographical directory. Yekaterinburg, 2007. 168 p.]
[Sushkov A.V., Razinkov S.L. Heads of the Sverdlovsk region: the first secretaries of the regional Committee of the CPSU(b)-CPSU and chairmen of the Executive Committee. 1934-1991: A biographical dictionary. Yekaterinburg, 2003. 284 p.]
[Sushkov A.V., Yarkova E.I. “I am not the enemy of the people”. Documents on the causes of suicide of the second Secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee of the CPSU(b) K.F. Pshenitsyn. 1937. Historical Archive. 2008. No. 3. Pp. 110-129.]
[Sushkov A. Collapse of the “Empire of comrade Kabakov”: Sverdlovsk leadership in the political whirlpools of 1937. Vesi. 2013. No. 6 (92). P. 46-84.]
[Sushkov A.V., Bedel A.E., Pyankov S.A. The luxury life industry: on the issue of corruption relations between the leaders of the Ural party-state structures and economic organizations in the 1930s. Genesis: Historical Studies. 2019. No. 8. P. 69-88.]
[Sushkov A.V., Vorobyov S.V. Regional party nomenclature from Stalin to Brezhnev // Borders and markers of social stratification in Russia of XVII-XX centuries: Vectors of research. St. Petersburg, 2018. P. 464-604.]
[Sushkov A.V., Yarkova E.I. Heads of the industrial and transport Department of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee of the CPSU(b) in the 1930s: Social and professional portrait // Industrial modernization of the Urals XVIII-XXI centuries: Materials XI all-Russian scientific conference. 2013. P. 384-395.]
[Feldman M.A. After revolutionary upheavals: regional nomenclature of the Urals by the time of creation of the Ural region. Magistra Vitae: Electronic Journal of Historical Sciences and Archaeology. 2016. No. 2. P. 47-56.]
[Chelyabinsk Region: Encyclopedia. Vol. 1-8. Chelyabinsk, 2008.]
[Shabalin V.V. “Backstage politics” (on the history of intra-party conflicts in the Urals in the 1920s) // Perm elite: formation, development, current state: materials of Internet-Conf. (January-March 2003). Perm, 2003. URL: http://]
[Shabalin V.V. “As expected, the life of the district is led by Kruglov..” (conflicts and conventions among the party-Soviet bureaucracy of the 20s) // Gaps and conventions in Russian culture. Perm, 2011. P. 88-104.]
[Shabalin V.V. “Squabble” as a way of self-regulation of the district elite in the 1920s. Bulletin of Perm State University. Series: History. 2013. Vol. 2 (22). P. 159-166.]
[Shabalin V.V. Drunkenness, booze, binge (background practices of district nomenclature) // Alcohol in Russia: Materials of the Second international science-pract. conf. (Ivanovo, 28-29 October 2011). Ivanovo, 2012. P. 19-25.]
[Shayakhmetova I.Z. Employees of the Executive committees of the city Councils of the southern Urals in the nomenclature of the Soviet state. Modern Scientific Thought. 2016. No. 4. P. 190-196.]
[Yarkova E.I. “..With Lenin in the head and with a revolver in his hand”: A Collective portrait of the Yekaterinburg provincial organization of the RCP(b), 1919-1923. Part 3.4. Intra-party conflicts as a mechanism and indicator of intra-party democracy. Yekaterinburg, 2019. P. 185-199.]
[Vorobyov S.V. “..With Lenin in the head and with a revolver in his hand”: A Collective portrait of the Yekaterinburg provincial organization of the RCP(b), 1919-1923. Part 3.5: Incident M.M. Kharitonov: party “squabble” as a mechanism of personnel changes. Yekaterinburg, 2019. P. 199-206.]
[Vorobyov S.V. Conflict in the Kurgan district Committee of the RCP(b): Red partisans against the head of the organizational Department A.G. Osokin. Bulletin of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2017. No. 4 (24). P. 67-78.]
[Vorobyov S.V. N.I. Ufimtsev and Yekaterinburg gubkom RCP(b): Conflict with the center and its consequences // Soviet project. 1917-1930: Stages and mechanisms of implementation: Collection of scientific papers. Yekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House University, 2018. P. 204-216.]
[Vorobyov S.V. Party leader of the Urals M.M. Kharitonov in the internal party struggle and intrigues of the first half of the 1920s. Bulletin of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Series: History of Science. 2017. No. 4 (28). P. 35-49.]
[Vorobyov S.V. Case of N.M. Shvernik: Conflict in the leadership of the Ural region in 1927-1928. Bulletin of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Series: History of Science. 2019. No. 3 (35). P. 36-46.]
[Vorobyov S.V. The Temptations of NEP: The malfeasance of decision makers and economic managers of the Urals in the 1920-ies. Bulletin of Perm State University. Series: History. 2014. No. 2 (25). P. 60-71.]
[Vorobyov S.V. Uralburo of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) in the party hierarchy: Between the center and the regions. Bulletin of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. 2016. No. 3 (19). P. 52-64.]
[Vorobyov S.V. Formation of the power vertical of the Soviet political system during the NEP (on the example of the Urals) // State and people in the conditions of the socialist experiment the experience of retrospective analysis. Yekaterinburg, 2008. P. 47-96.]
[Head of the city administration of Yekaterinburg: The historical essays. 2nd ed. Yekaterinburg, 2006; 2008.]
[Gorbachev O.V. “..With Lenin in the head and with a revolver in his hand”: A Collective portrait of the Yekaterinburg provincial organization of the RCP(b), 1919-1923. Part 7.2. “Leading and directing”: Responsible party-Soviet workers. Yekaterinburg, 2019. P. 385-403.]
[Ivanova M.A. Stalin’s “personnel revolution” of 1937-1938: Regional aspect (based on the materials of the Kama region) // 1 Astafiev Readings (May 17-18, 2002). Perm, 2003.]
[Koldushko A.A. “Every time in a new tie.!” Cult practices of regional nomenclature in the 1930s // Scientific works of the History Department of Zaporizhzhia State University. No. XXIII: The political elite in the history of Ukraine. Zaporizhzhia: Prosvita, 2008. P. 229-239.]
[Koldushko A.A. “I have never lived so miserably as in Perm, and I will not live!”: Life and customs of the Perm nomenclature of the mid-1930s // Everyday nomenclature: Digest of articles. Perm, 2013. Pp. 76-88.]
[Koldusko A.A., Lejbovic O.L. Discursive practices of the Great Terror in the Urals (1936-1938). Cahiers du Monde Russe. 2015. No. 3-4. P. 235-265.]
[Koldushko A.A. Dynamics of the social composition of the regional party nomenclature in the Ural (Sverdlovsk) region in the second half of the 1920s - the first half of the 1930s. Scientific Notes of the Faculty of Humanities. Vol. 14. Perm: PGTU publ., 2005. P. 94-102.]
[Koldushko A.A. Personnel revolution in the party nomenclature in the Urals in 1936-1938: Diss.. cand. Historical Sciences. Perm, 2006. 222 p.]
[Koldushko A.A. Education as an element of the social portrait of the party nomenclature in the 1920s-1930s (on the example of Sverdlovsk and Perm regions). Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Culture, History, Philosophy, Law. 2010. No. 3. P. 105-111.]
[Koldushko A.A. The First secretaries of district and city committees of the CPSU(b) of the Perm region in 1938-1941: Strokes to the social portrait // Formation of the humanitarian environment and extracurricular work in the University, College, School: Materials of the VIII All-Russian Sciens-Pract. Conference (April 25, 2006). Vol. 2. Perm, 2006. P. 87-90.]
[Koldushko A.A. The Problem of efficiency of regional nomenclature in the first half of the 1930s (on the example of the Sverdlovsk region). Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Culture, History, Philosophy, Law. 2009. No. 1. P. 159-168.]
[Koldushko A.A. Processes of incorporation and excorporation of the party nomenclature in the 1920s-1930s. Power. 2012. No. 3. P. 173-176.]
[Koldushko A.A. Social characteristics of the regional party nomenclature, repressed in 1937-1938 (based on the materials of the Sverdlovsk region) // Nomenclature and nomenclature practices in Russia: materials of the Internet conference “Nomenclature and nomenclature practices in Russia” (February-April 2007). Perm, 2007. P. 159-170.]
[Korolev N.S. The problem of participation of Bolshevik leaders of local level in transition to NEP in 1921- 1923 (on the example of K.V. Ryndin’s biography) // Culture - art - education: interdependence of results of science and practice: Materials of XXXIII scientific-practical conference of the teaching staff of the Academy. In 2 parts. Chelyabinsk. 2012. P. 90-95.]
[Korolev N.S. Ryndin as a typical representative of the party leadership 20-30-ies of XX century: Diss.. cand. Historical Sciences. Chelyabinsk, 2004. 257 p.]
[Kyrchikov M.S. I.D. Kabakov and Ural regionalism of the late 1920s - mid-1930s. Scientific Dialogue. 2017. No. 5. P. 198-207.]
[Leibovich O., Koldushko A. And victims who? Cult practices of local nomenclature before the great terror. Retrospective. Perm Historical and Archival Journal. 2008. No. 1 (6). P. 15-23.]
[Mazur L.N. “..With Lenin in the head and with a revolver in his hand”: A Collective portrait of the Yekaterinburg provincial organization of the RCP(b), 1919-1923. Part 3.3. The leaders of the Yekaterinburg party organization and their successors. Yekaterinburg, 2019. P. 174-185.]
[Nechaeva S.V. Leaders of the political elite of the Chelyabinsk region. Chelyabinsk, 2006. 380 p.]
[Sushkov A.V. “The case of the Sverdlovsk regional Executive Committee”. The privileged life of the “Ural leaders” in the first half of the 1930s. Free Thought. 2019. No. 3. P. 91-106.]
[Sushkov A.V. “Cadres decide everything!”: I.V. Stalin’s personnel policy and the leaders of the Sverdlovsk region in the second half of the 1930s. // Actualization of historical knowledge and historical education in modern society. Yearbook: XVII all-Russian historical and pedagogical readings. Yekaterinburg, 2013. Part II. P. 265-278.]
[Sushkov A.V. Ten months of Abram Stolyar: Sverdlovsk leadership in the political whirlpools of 1937-1938. Russia XXI. 2017. No. 1. P. 130-157.]
[Sushkov A.V. Leaders of the city of Sverdlovsk: The first secretaries of the city Committee of the CPSU(b)-CPSU (1932-1991), the second secretaries of the city Committee of the CPSU(b) (1937-1950): Historical and biographical directory. Yekaterinburg, 2007. 168 p.]
[Sushkov A.V., Razinkov S.L. Heads of the Sverdlovsk region: the first secretaries of the regional Committee of the CPSU(b)-CPSU and chairmen of the Executive Committee. 1934-1991: A biographical dictionary. Yekaterinburg, 2003. 284 p.]
[Sushkov A.V., Yarkova E.I. “I am not the enemy of the people”. Documents on the causes of suicide of the second Secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee of the CPSU(b) K.F. Pshenitsyn. 1937. Historical Archive. 2008. No. 3. Pp. 110-129.]
[Sushkov A. Collapse of the “Empire of comrade Kabakov”: Sverdlovsk leadership in the political whirlpools of 1937. Vesi. 2013. No. 6 (92). P. 46-84.]
[Sushkov A.V., Bedel A.E., Pyankov S.A. The luxury life industry: on the issue of corruption relations between the leaders of the Ural party-state structures and economic organizations in the 1930s. Genesis: Historical Studies. 2019. No. 8. P. 69-88.]
[Sushkov A.V., Vorobyov S.V. Regional party nomenclature from Stalin to Brezhnev // Borders and markers of social stratification in Russia of XVII-XX centuries: Vectors of research. St. Petersburg, 2018. P. 464-604.]
[Sushkov A.V., Yarkova E.I. Heads of the industrial and transport Department of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee of the CPSU(b) in the 1930s: Social and professional portrait // Industrial modernization of the Urals XVIII-XXI centuries: Materials XI all-Russian scientific conference. 2013. P. 384-395.]
[Feldman M.A. After revolutionary upheavals: regional nomenclature of the Urals by the time of creation of the Ural region. Magistra Vitae: Electronic Journal of Historical Sciences and Archaeology. 2016. No. 2. P. 47-56.]
[Chelyabinsk Region: Encyclopedia. Vol. 1-8. Chelyabinsk, 2008.]
[Shabalin V.V. “Backstage politics” (on the history of intra-party conflicts in the Urals in the 1920s) // Perm elite: formation, development, current state: materials of Internet-Conf. (January-March 2003). Perm, 2003. URL: http://]
[Shabalin V.V. “As expected, the life of the district is led by Kruglov..” (conflicts and conventions among the party-Soviet bureaucracy of the 20s) // Gaps and conventions in Russian culture. Perm, 2011. P. 88-104.]
[Shabalin V.V. “Squabble” as a way of self-regulation of the district elite in the 1920s. Bulletin of Perm State University. Series: History. 2013. Vol. 2 (22). P. 159-166.]
[Shabalin V.V. Drunkenness, booze, binge (background practices of district nomenclature) // Alcohol in Russia: Materials of the Second international science-pract. conf. (Ivanovo, 28-29 October 2011). Ivanovo, 2012. P. 19-25.]
[Shayakhmetova I.Z. Employees of the Executive committees of the city Councils of the southern Urals in the nomenclature of the Soviet state. Modern Scientific Thought. 2016. No. 4. P. 190-196.]
[Yarkova E.I. “..With Lenin in the head and with a revolver in his hand”: A Collective portrait of the Yekaterinburg provincial organization of the RCP(b), 1919-1923. Part 3.4. Intra-party conflicts as a mechanism and indicator of intra-party democracy. Yekaterinburg, 2019. P. 185-199.]
Ural, historiography, party-state nomenclature, power, social portrait, political everyday life.
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