Mobilization model of the organization of science in Russia during the First World War
( Pp. 134-138)

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Onoprienko Valentin I. doktor filosofskih nauk, professor, glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Institute for research of scientific and technical potential and history of science of the national Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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The First World War and the two revolutions associated with it that took place in Russia in 1917 had a tremendous impact on Russian science. This is proved in the book using a colossal array of archival material, published documents, personal sources, a detailed and scrupulous analysis of historiography. The war stimulated domestic scientists and inventors to search for and introduce new weapons. But in Russia there was no mechanism for quickly translating the military order into the design and development of production technology due to the lack of established links between science, engineering, industry and the army, both at the personal level and at the level of administrative structures. The war gave a powerful impetus to the liberation of Russian science from the dominant German influence, accelerated the formation of national scientific communities in the fields of knowledge; creation of a network of scientific journals in Russian; building a network of research institutes covering the entire territory of Russia. The activities of scientists during the First World War contributed to the transformation of science into the most important priority of state policy. Some polemical acuteness of the book's conclusions may irritate qualified readers, but it is fully justified, modern and meets the objectives of the study.
How to Cite:
Onoprienko V.I., (2020), MOBILIZATION MODEL OF THE ORGANIZATION OF SCIENCE IN RUSSIA DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR. History and Modern Perspectives, 3 => 134-138.
World War I, a network of research institutes, mechanisms for broadcasting a military order, turning science into a state priority, an array of archival material.

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