Towards the Creation of a Unified State: the Experience of the Yugoslav Peoples
( Pp. 12-21)
More about authors
Polovchenko Konstantin A.
Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Constitutional Law
MGIMO University
Moscow, Russian Federation Klochko Elena A. Cand. Sci. (Polit.), Lecturer, Department of Spanish
MGIMO University
Moscow, Russian Federation Insarov Andrey L. starshiy prepodavatel kafedry fizicheskogo vospitaniya i bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatelnosti
MGIMO University
Moscow, Russian Federation
MGIMO University
Moscow, Russian Federation Klochko Elena A. Cand. Sci. (Polit.), Lecturer, Department of Spanish
MGIMO University
Moscow, Russian Federation Insarov Andrey L. starshiy prepodavatel kafedry fizicheskogo vospitaniya i bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatelnosti
MGIMO University
Moscow, Russian Federation
More than thirty years have passed since the beginning of the collapse of the Yugoslav state, and this process has received considerable attention in the scientific literature. At the same time, there are practically no studies that would analyze the origins and causes that caused the formation of Yugoslavia as a state of the Yugoslav peoples. The purpose of the research carried out in the article was to analyze the causes and the initial stage of the transformation of the ideas of the common historical fate of the Yugoslav peoples into creative processes leading to their political and legal unification in one state. The historical method was used as the main one, which allowed the author to trace the process of crystallization of the ideas of Yugoslavism with all the contradictions. In addition, the author used a comparative method, which allowed him to study the specifics of each next stage of this process in a comparative way. According to the results of the study, the author came to the conclusion that, despite the general aspiration of the Yugoslav peoples to unite, nevertheless, each of the Yugoslav peoples sought to solve their problems during the unification process, which in some cases contradicted the interests of other peoples. All this created all those «cracks» in relations, which later, seventy years after the creation of a single Yugoslav state, led to the complete disintegration of Yugoslavia and the separation of the Yugoslav peoples.
How to Cite:
Polovchenko K.A., Klochko E.A., Insarov A.L., (2021), TOWARDS THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED STATE: THE EXPERIENCE OF THE YUGOSLAV PEOPLES. History and Modern Perspectives, 3 => 12-21.
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Markovi Ratko Ustavno pravo i politichke institutsi e. Beograd. 2008.
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Pavlovi Marko Srpska pravna istori a. Kragu evats. 2005.
Pavli evi Dragutin Povijest Hrvatske. Zagreb. 1994.
Popovi ura O federalizmu. Beograd.1933.
Smerdel Branko Ustavno ure eje Evropske Hrvatske. Zagreb. 2013.
Sirotkovi Hodimir i Margeti Lujo Povijest dr ava i prava naroda SFR Jugoslavije. Zagreb. 1988.
Stefanovi Jovan Ustavno pravo FNR Jugoslavije i komparativno. K iga I. Zagreb. 1956.
Stojanovi Dragan Ustavno pravo. Nish. 2014.
Yugoslavism, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Kingdom of Serbia, Languages of the Yugoslav peoples, The Yugoslav Committee, Nis Declaration, State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs.
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