Activities of Udmurt Actors in the Preservation of Monuments of Industrial Heritage — the main Building and Arsenal of the Izhevsk Arms Plant in the 1960–1980s.
( Pp. 100-106)

More about authors
Elizaveta S. Lakhtionova Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Associate Professor of the Departments of Russian History, doctoral student
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The article reconstructs the conservation process in the 1960–1980s. monuments of industrial heritage — the main building and the arsenal, located on the territory of the former Izhevsk arms factory. The sources for the study were archival materials stored in one central and two regional archives, as well as information from periodicals. Many materials are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The author reconstructs the course of events related to the placement of objects under state protection, their repair and reconstruction. Those proposed in the 1960–1980s have been identified. ways of using these monuments, including taking into account the recommendations of regulatory documents of that time. It has been established that some intensification of the process of preserving the objects under study occurred in the second half of the 1980s. and in one case it was completed in 1994 (arsenal), and in the other it is currently being implemented (main building).
How to Cite:
Lakhtionova E. S. Activities of Udmurt Actors in the Preservation of Monuments of Industrial Heritage — the main Building and Arsenal of the Izhevsk Arms Plant in the 1960-1980s. // HISTORY AND MODERN PERSPECTIVES. 2024. Vol. 6. № 4. P. 100-106. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.33693/2658-4654-2024-6-4-100-106. EDN: ZMIRGD
Reference list:
Bugaeva N.I. Architectural monuments in architectural ensembles of Izhevsk // Problems of development of architecture of Udmurtia. Collection of articles. Izhevsk: Printing house of the publishing house of the Udmurt regional committee, 1979. Pp. 111–115.
Zaikin G.S. Architectural monuments of Udmurtia in the regional system «Stone Belt» // Problems of development of architecture of Udmurtia. Collection of articles. Izhevsk: Printing house of the publishing house of the Udmurt regional committee, 1979. Pp. 100–106.
Zaparii V.V. «Industrial heritage» and its modern interpretation // Academic bulletin UralNIIproekt RASSN. 2009. No. 1. Pp. 34–38.
Zaparii V.V., Lakhtionova E.S. Movement for the preservation of industrial heritage as one of the factors in the formation of patriotism // Current problems of sociology: collection of scientific articles. Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 2013. Рp. 230–234.
Shumilov E.F. Architectural originality and urban planning role of the buildings of the Izhevsk arms plant // Questions of the art of Udmurtia. Izhevsk, 1976. Pp. 25–60.
Shumilov E.F. Two centuries of Izhmash: Origins. Leaders. Technologies. Constructions. Dynasties. Culture. Life V. 2. Plant of factories. 1917–2007. Izhevsk: ZAO Izhmashprint, 2007.
Shumilov E.F. History of the Arsenal — history of the museum // Museum readings in the Arsenal, Izhevsk, November 19–20, 2015. Izhevsk: Udmurt University Publishing House, 2015. Рp. 31–34.
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monument, industrial heritage, museumification, arsenal, Izhevsk arms factory..

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