On the Issue of Improving the Teaching of the Course «History and Philosophy of Science» for Graduate Students of a Modern University
( Pp. 126-133)
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Vladimir V. Zapariy
Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Russian History, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society, Military History Academy of Russia, Academy of Engineering Sciences, Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation Ilya E. Erobkin
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation Ivan V. Zykin
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation Viktor A. Koksharov
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation Elizaveta S. Lakhtionova
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation Ilya E. Erobkin
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation Ivan V. Zykin
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation Viktor A. Koksharov
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation Elizaveta S. Lakhtionova
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The article, based on the extensive experience of teaching the course by employees of the Department of History of Science and Technology, and then History of Russia at UrFU, traces the process of changing the methodology of teaching this course. Particular attention is paid to the pandemic period, when an attempt was made to significantly change the forms of work with students. The article uses data from a survey of engineering students (half of them were surveyed), conducted based on the results of the past academic year 2022/2023. Conclusions and proposals are made for further improvement of the educational and methodological process.
How to Cite:
Zapariy V. V., Erobkin I. E., Zykin I. V., Koksharov V. A., Lakhtionova E. S. On the Issue of Improving the Teaching of the Course «History and Philosophy of Science» for Graduate Students of a Modern University // HISTORY AND MODERN PERSPECTIVES. 2023. Vol. 5. № 4. P. 126-133. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.33693/2658-4654-2023-5-4-126-133. EDN: VVJQTP
Reference list:
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Zapariy V.V. Features of teaching a course in the history of science for graduate students of engineering specialties in a pandemic // Strategies for the development of social communities, institutions and territories: materials of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (Ekaterinburg, April 18–19, 2022): in two volumes. Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 2022. V. 1. Pp. 312–316.
Zaitseva E.V., Zaparii V.V., Asryan G.G. Results of reforms in the field of training highly qualified personnel at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries: scientific personnel // History and modern worldview. 2022. V. 4. No. 2. Pp. 65–75. DOI: 10.33693/2658-4654-2022-4-2-65-75.
Zaitseva E.V., Zaparii V.V., Asryan G.G. Results of reforms in the field of training highly qualified personnel at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries: postgraduate and doctoral studies // History and modern worldview. 2022. V. 4. No. 3. Pp. 103–110. DOI: 10.33693/2658-4654-2022-4-3-103-110.
Zaitseva E.V., Zapariy V.V., Klyuev S.K., Kulpin S.V., Shkurin D.V. Organizational and personnel potential of the university: methodology and measurement techniques: monograph. Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 2016. 215 p.
Zaitseva E.V., Zaparii V.V., Korobeynikova A.P., Busygina I.S. Personnel potential of a university: monograph. Ekaterinburg: UrFU. 2011. 295 p.
Zaitseva E.V., Zaparii V.V., Korobeynikova A.P., Busygina I.S. Personnel potential of a modern university (analysis of the state and potential of USTU and USU personnel on the eve of the merger into URFU): monograph. Ekaterinburg: UrFU. 2014. 420 p.
Kuvaldin A.E., Zaparii V.V. Development of thermal power engineering in the Urals. Formation of a scientific school for the study of pseudo-liquefied systems at the Department of Thermal Power Engineering and Heating Engineering of the Ural Federal University // Humanitarian and political-legal studies. 2020. No. 3 (10). Pp. 17–26. DOI: 10.24411/2618-8120-2020-10002.
Ryzhov A.A., Zaparii V.V. Professor Sergei Pavlovich Raspopin: scientist and teacher // News of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Historical sciences. 2021. V. 3. No. 2 (10). Pp. 167–174. DOI: 10.37313/2658-4816-2021-3-2-167-174.
postgraduate study, engineering specialties, candidate minimum, history and philosophy of science, methods of organizing training, forms of training, statistical survey..