( Pp. 21-24)

More about authors
Vysotsky L.I. student fakulteta VMK
Lomonosov Moscow State University Solovyev S. Yu. professor fakulteta VMK
Lomonosov Moscow State University Sychugov D.Yu. professor fakulteta fakultet VMK
Lomonosov Moscow State University
The authors developed a new resource with open access, currently located at URL It includes modules to compute equilibrium, vertical stability, plasma evolution and transport, as long as imitational systems of magnetic diagnostics. These modules are integrated into a common software environment allowing to perform numerical experiments on tokamak devices. The user can communicate through the Internet with the computational modules stored on the server, perform automatic data exchange between them and get the results in form of files, pictures, plots and tables. The system allows simultaneous access of multiple users and has informational support in English and Russian.
How to Cite:
Vysotsky L.., Solovyev S.Y., Sychugov D.., (2018), INTERNET-TECHNOLOGY OF INTEGRATED MODELLING OF PROCESSES IN TOKAMAK DEVICES. Computational Nanotechnology, 1 => 21-24.
Reference list:
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installation of the tokamak, numerical simulation, unified software environment.

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