( Pp. 158-164)

More about authors
Belitsyn Igor Vladimirovich kand. ped. nauk, docent
Polzunov Altai State Technical University. Altai Krai, Barnaul, Russia Martko Ekaterina Olegovna kand. tehn. nauk, docent
Polzunov Altai State Technical University. Altai Krai, Barnaul, Russia Popov Andrej Nikolaevich kand. tehn. nauk, docent
Polzunov Altai State Technical University. Altai Krai, Barnaul, Russia
Deals with electromagnetic compatibility of line with the technical system. The contribution of the electrostatic and electromagnetic components to the induced voltage value is shown. The electromagnetic component of the induced voltage calculation procedure is given. It’s based on the power line simplified equivalent circuit usage. The mutual inductance factor calculation expression using the Carson integral is given. The power line’s topological features are taken into account to the mutual inductance factor determining. The analysis of mutual inductance factor determining frequently used formulas is made for electromagnetic influences from high-voltage power line calculation practical problems solving. The method of current unbalance taking into account in induced voltage determining is presented. The dependencies of the F (a) parameter for the 10-220 kV disconnected power line on the distance between the power line’s axes are given. An example of induced voltage calculation by the proposed method and comparison the results with the typical values is given.
How to Cite:
Belitsyn I.V., Martko E.O., Popov A.N., (2018), ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY OF POWER TRANSMISSION LINE WITH THE TECHNICAL SYSTEM. Computational Nanotechnology, 1 => 158-164.
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electromagnetic compatibility, power line, electromagnetic environment, integral Carson, harmonic current, non-sinusoidal, coefficient of mutual induction, mains, equivalent circuit.

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