( Pp. 25-30)
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Khabanov Philipp Olegovich
inzhener; aspirant
National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute»; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State university)
National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute»; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State university)
He capability of electron density fluctuations measurements using Heavy Ion Beam Probe (HIBP) is considered. By example of T-10 tokamak geometry the effects of probing beam attenuation on density fluctuations measurements are estimated
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Reference list:
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Cowley T.P. Rensselaer Heavy Ion Beam Probe Diagnostic Methods and Techniques. // IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 1994, 22 (4). R. 291-309.
Dnestrovskij Yu.N., Melnikov A.V., Krupnik L.I. and Nedzelskij I.S. Development of Heavy Ion Beam Probe Diagnostics. // IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 1994, 22 (4). R. 310-331.
Mel nikov A.V. Elektricheskiy potentsial v plazme toroidal nykh ustanovok: monografiya / pod red. S.E. Lysenko // M.: NIYAU MIFI, 2015.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Internal measurements of Alfv n eigenmodes with heavy ion beam probing in toroidal plasmas // Nucl. Fusion. 2010, 50. R. 084023.
Heard J.W. et al. Path integral effects in heavy ion beam probe density measurements: A comparison of simulation results and experimental data // Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1993, 64. R. 1001.
Drabinskii M.A. et al. The upgraded heavy ion beam probe diagnostics on the T-10 tokamak // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2016, 747. R. 012017. ations as an intrinsic mechanism of pressure profile formation. // Nucl. Fusion. 2015, 55. R. 063014.
Melnikov A.V., Eliseev L.G., Gudozhnik A.V., et al. Investigation of the plasma potential oscillations in the range of geodesic acoustic mode frequencies by heavy ion beam probing in tokamaks. // Czech. J. Phys. 2005, 55. R. 349-360.
Melnikov A.V., Vershkov V.A., Eliseev L.G., et al. Investigation of geodesic acoustic mode oscillations in the T-10 tokamak. // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2006, 48. S87-S110.
Zenin V.N., Eliseev L.G., Kozachek A.S., et al. Study of poloidal structure of geodesic acoustic modes in the T-10 tokamak with heavy ion beam probing. // Problems Atomic Sci. Techn. Series: Plasma Physics. 2014, 6 (94). R. 269.
Melnikov A.V., Eliseev L.G., Perfilov S.V., et al. The features of the global GAM in OH and ECRH plasmas in the T-10 tokamak. // Nucl. Fusion. 2015, 55. R. 063001.
Solensten L., Connor K. A., Heavy ion beam probe energy analyzer for measurements of plasma potential fluctuations. // Review of Scientific Instruments 58, 516 (1987).
Divine T. F. Absolute experimental cross section for the ionization of Tl ions by electron impact // Phys. Rev. A. 1976. Vol. 18 (1).
Lotz W. Electron-impact ionization cross-sections and ionization rate coefficients for atoms and ions from Hydrogen to Calcium // Z. Phys. 1968. No. 216. R. 241-247.
Urazbaev A.O. i dr. Pryamoe sravnenie izmereniy turbulentnosti s pomoshch yu lengmyurovskogo zonda i reflektometrii. // Fizika plazmy. 2006. T. 32, № 8. S. 675-698.
SHelukhin D.A. Ispytaniya reflektometra ITER so storony sil nogo magnitnogo polya na ustanovke tokamak T-10 // KHVII Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya Diagnostika vysokotemperaturnoy plazmy, g. Zvenigorod, 2017.
magnetic confinement of high temperature plasma, plasma diagnostics, sensing of plasma Puig - com heavy-ion, the oscillations of the electron density.