( Pp. 53-56)

More about authors
Gusarov Sergey Alexandrovich kandidat tehnicheskih nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; docent kafedry 201 «Teoriya vozdushno-reaktivnyh dvigateley»
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Karasev Vladimir Nikolaevich kandidat tehnicheskih nauk, docent; docent kafedry 201 «Teoriya vozdushno-reaktivnyh dvigateley»
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Kostikov Yuri Alexandrovich kandidat fiziko-matematicheskih nauk; zaveduyuschiy kafedroy 812 «Matematika»
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Rzhavin Yuri Alexandrovich kandidat tehnicheskih nauk, professor; professor kafedry 201 «Teoriya vozdushno-reaktivnyh dvigateley»
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Romanenkov Aleksandr Mikhailovich kandidat tehnicheskih nauk; docent kafedry 812 «Matematika»; starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Federal Research Center «Informaticsand Management» ofthe Russian Academyof Sciences
To date, the turbojet dual-circuit engine (turbojet) is the most common air-jet aircraft engine due to low fuel consumption and a number of other advantages. The purpose of this work is to develop a software package for calculating the parameters of the flow part of the turbojet with an intuitive and user-friendly modern interface that allows further expansion of the functionality due to the modular architecture. The developed software package is allowed to raise the process of designing the flow part of the turbojet to a higher level, thereby reducing not only the time of its development, but also the costs.
How to Cite:
Gusarov S.A., Karasev V.N., Kostikov Y.A., Rzhavin Y.A., Romanenkov A.M., (2019), DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE FOR CALCULATION AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE FLOW PARTS OF TURBOJET ENGINE. Computational Nanotechnology, 2 => 53-56.
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