( Pp. 157-159)
More about authors
Radzhapov Sali A.
Institute of Physics and Technology of the Scientific and Production Association “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Rakhimov Rustam Kh. Dr. Sci. (Eng.); Head, Laboratory No. 1; Institute of Materials Science of the SPA “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Белорусский государственный университет
г. Минск, Республика Беларусь Radzhapov Begjan S. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Physical-technical Institute, SPA «Physics-Sun», Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Zufarov Mars A. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Physical-technical Institute, SPA «Physics-Sun», Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Institute of Physics and Technology of the Scientific and Production Association “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Rakhimov Rustam Kh. Dr. Sci. (Eng.); Head, Laboratory No. 1; Institute of Materials Science of the SPA “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Белорусский государственный университет
г. Минск, Республика Беларусь Radzhapov Begjan S. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Physical-technical Institute, SPA «Physics-Sun», Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Zufarov Mars A. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Physical-technical Institute, SPA «Physics-Sun», Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The paper presents the optimization of the manufacturing technology of silicon-lithium Δ Ε -detectors of large size, as well as some research data on the radiometric characteristics of silicon-lithium Δ Ε -detectors with a diameter of 4-8 cm and a radiometer based on them.
How to Cite:
Radzhapov S.A., Rakhimov R.K., Radzhapov B.S., Zufarov M.A., (2019), SILICON-LITHIUM ΔE-DETECTORS OF ALPHA-RADIATION TO THE RADIOMETER. Computational Nanotechnology, 2 => 157-159.
Reference list:
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