( Pp. 71-76)

More about authors
Shatalova Alevtina Yu. aspirant kafedry prikladnoy matematiki
Kuban State University Lebedev Konstantin A. doktor fiziko-matematicheskih nauk, professor; fakultet matematiki i kompyuternyh nauk
Kuban State University
The article describes an approach that allows to formally describe the arising uncertainties in linear optimization problems. The generalized parametric alpha-level method of lambda-continuation of the fuzzy linear programming problem is considered. The model offers two methods that take into account the expansion of the binary fuzzy ratio (“strong” and “weak”). After the condition is formed taking into account the incoming quantities in the form of fuzzy numbers (the objective function and the system of constraints), the optimal solution (the value of the objective function) for each alpha and lambda is calculated using the simplex method implemented in Mathcad. On its basis, a mathematical model is built that will take into account the random values of alpha and lambda with a uniform distribution law. The paper presents a description of the simulation study, which confirms the conclusions about the possibilities of the method. Using the proposed theory, the decision-maker receives more information showing the behavior of the system with small changes in the input parameters to make more informed conclusions about the choice of financing of an investment project. The developed method of simulation of fuzzy estimation can be applied to other economic models with the appropriate necessary modification, for example, to assess the creditworthiness of the enterprise.
How to Cite:
Shatalova A.Y., Lebedev K.A., (2019), SIMULATION OBJECTIVES OF FUZZY LINEAR PROGRAMMING WITH AN Α-LEVEL METHOD OF Λ-CONTINUE. Computational Nanotechnology, 2 => 71-76.
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