Experımental Study of Metrologıcal Parameters of Qualıty Control
( Pp. 87-93)
More about authors
Isgandarzada Elchin B.
doktor tehnicheskih nauk, professor; Laureat Gosudarstvennoy Premii po literature «Kyzyl Kelme», Zasluzhennyy pedagog Azerbaydzhanskoy Respubliki, Pochetnyy deyatel kultury Azerbaydzhanskoy Respubliki, Pochetnyy uchenyy Evropy, posol kultury UNESCO; zaveduyuschiy kafedroy «Metrologii i standartizacii»
Azerbaijan Technical University
Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Valiyev G.S. doktorant, assistent
Azerbaijan Technical University
Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Ahmadli Sh.V. doktorant, starshiy prepodpvatel
Azerbaijan Technical University
Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Islamova U.R. doktorant
Azerbaijan Technical University
Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Technical University
Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Valiyev G.S. doktorant, assistent
Azerbaijan Technical University
Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Ahmadli Sh.V. doktorant, starshiy prepodpvatel
Azerbaijan Technical University
Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Islamova U.R. doktorant
Azerbaijan Technical University
Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
The article discusses the rational use of all types of resources at the enterprise; improving the quality of management decisions; mastering innovative technologies; increasing labor productivity; improving product quality; the possibility of unpredictable processing and waste of products using models built on the use of S-charts, aimed at timely and high-quality order fulfillment. Estimation of the probable parameters of the model of the metrological support system allows to reduce the costs and time for process control, reduce the cost of production, as well as effectively distribute labor, material and financial resources.
How to Cite:
Isgandarzada E.B., Valiyev G.., Ahmadli S.., Islamova U.., (2021), EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF METROLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF QUALITY CONTROL. Computational Nanotechnology, 2 => 87-93.
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graphic models, coordinate metrology, deviations, quality indicators, metrological support system, probabilistic parameters, identification algorithm.