Application of the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
( Pp. 29-36)
FMEA - is a technique used to study potential failures of various products. The probability of occurrence (O), the likelihood of severity (S) and the probability of detecting defects (D) can be used as an indicator of the priority risk number (PRN). Comparison of various methods for determining the priorities of failure modes in the calculated FMEA analysis is carried out. The value of the fuzzy PRN and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is proposed for determining the weights of risk factors. A method is proposed to eliminate some of the disadvantages of the traditional approach. As a result of the study, a mathematical model and methodology were created to identify high-priority types of errors based on fuzzy FMEA - AHP.
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Reference list:
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Bonnabry P., Cingria L., Sadeghipour F. et al. Use of a systematic risk analysis method to improve safety in the production of pediatric parenteral nutrition solutions // Qual. Saf. Heath Care. 2005. Vol. 14. Pp. 93-98.
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Karthik S., Sivakumar A., Sevvel P. Comparative study of risk assessment value against risk priority number // Int. J. Innovative Res. Sci. Eng. Technol. 2015. Vol. 4. No. 2. Pp. 114-123.
Kiani Aslani R., Feili H.R., Javanshir H. A hybrid of fuzzy FMEA-AHP to determine factors affecting alternator failure causes // Management Science Letters. 2014. No. 4 (9). Pp. 1981-1984.
Ben-Daya M., Raouf A. A revised failure mode and effects analysis model // International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. 1996. No. 13 (1). Pp. 43-47.
Grodzenskiy S.Ya., Chesalin A.N., Pham Van Tu. Integrate fuzzy analytic hierarchy process into failure mode and effects analysis to identify priority functions in product improvement process // International Scientific - Practical Conference Information Innovative Technologies , Prague, April 22-26, 2020. Pp. 119-123.
Fam Van Ty. Povyshenie effektivnosti prioritetnogo chisla riska s pomoshch yu nechetkogo metoda analiza ierarkhii // Nauka i biznes: puti razvitiya. 2021. № 3 (117). S. 49-52.
Zadeh A. Fuzzy Sets // Information Control. 1965. No. 8. Pp. 338-353.
Chang D.Y. Extent analysis and synthetic decision, optimization techniques and applications. Vol. 1. Singapore: World Scientific, 1992. 352 p.
Saati T. Prinyatie resheniy. Metod analiza ierarkhiy. M.: Radio i svyaz , 1993. 278 s.
Fam Van Ty. Nechetkiy metod analiza ierarkhiy i primenenie dlya analiza vidov i posledstviy otkazov // Sb. dokladov konf. Innovatsionnye tekhnologii v elektronike i priborostroenii FTI RTU MIREA. M. C. 409-414.
Chang D.Y. Applications of the extent analysis method on fuzzy AHP // European Journal of Operational Research. 1996. No. 95 (3). Pp. 649-655.
Kwong, C.K., Bai H. A fuzzy AHP approach to the determination of importance weights of customer requirements in quality function deployment // Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2002. No. 13. Pp. 367-377.
C ig dem Sofyaliog lu, S ule O ztu rk. Application of grey relational analysis with fuzzy AHP to FMEA method // Do u niversitesi Dergisi. 2012. No. 13 (1). Pp. 114-130.
FMEA, FMEA, fuzzy logic, fuzzy AHP.
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