Modeling the process of operation of high-speed equipment and the influence of thermal parameters on working bodies
( Pp. 61-67)

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Kobzev Kirill O. kandidat tehnicheskih nauk; docent kafedry «ETSiL»
Don State Technical University
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of heat transfer processes occurring in space and time. Therefore, the study of thermal conductivity is reduced to the study of space-time temperature changes. Distinguish between stationary and non-stationary temperature fields. A non-stationary temperature field is a field whose temperature changes not only in space, but also over time. A stationary temperature field is a field whose temperature at any point does not change over time. Materials and methods. To solve problems associated with finding the temperature field, it is necessary to have a differential equation of thermal conductivity, which gives the relationship between temperature, time and coordinates of the elementary volume. The differential heat conduction equation describes the transfer of heat inside the body. In order to find the temperature field inside the body at any moment of time, that is, to solve the differential equation, it is necessary to know the geometric shape of the body and the boundary conditions. Boundary conditions consist of initial and boundary conditions. Research results. As a result of modeling the process of upsetting during stage-by-stage deformation, including 30 steps at each impact (total of 3 impacts) using the QForm-2D software package, maps of stress and strain distribution over the volume of the workpiece were obtained. Discussion and conclusions. The main process parameters influencing the nature of the technological force are the accumulated deformation and the resistance of the material to plastic deformation. From the analysis of the obtained pictures of the distribution of deformation over the cross section of the sample after upsetting, that under the accepted conditions it is uneven. The greatest accumulated deformation is observed in the center and in the peripheral layers on the contact surface, and in other areas its value is less than 0.1. The same unevenness is shown by the stress distribution pattern. This is explained by the fact that with an increase in the degree of deformation, the rate of heat release decreases in the same zones where the maximum accumulated deformation is concentrated.
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Reference list:
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crank press, friction coefficient, working mechanism, gain factor, overload, accuracy.

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