( Pp. 27-31)
Saidov Rustam M.
Musaev Alisher Musaevich
Jumaniyazov Denis Ikromovich
Gafurov Bakhadir Khavizovich
Abralov Muzafar M.
Rakhimova Fatima M.
More about authors
Saidov Rustam M.
кандидат технических наук; старший научный сотрудник
Institute of Materials Science of the SPA “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Musaev Alisher Musaevich kandidat geologo-mineralogicheskih nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Institute of Geology and Geophysics Jumaniyazov Denis Ikromovich mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Institute of Geology and Geophysics Gafurov Bakhadir Khavizovich kandidat tehnicheskih nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Institute of Material Sciences, SPA “Physics-Sun” Academy of Science of Uzbekistan Abralov Muzafar M. kandidat tehnicheskih nauk; i.o. docenta
Tashkent State Technical University Rakhimova Fatima M. senior research
Institute of Materials Science of the SPA “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Institute of Materials Science of the SPA “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Musaev Alisher Musaevich kandidat geologo-mineralogicheskih nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Institute of Geology and Geophysics Jumaniyazov Denis Ikromovich mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Institute of Geology and Geophysics Gafurov Bakhadir Khavizovich kandidat tehnicheskih nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Institute of Material Sciences, SPA “Physics-Sun” Academy of Science of Uzbekistan Abralov Muzafar M. kandidat tehnicheskih nauk; i.o. docenta
Tashkent State Technical University Rakhimova Fatima M. senior research
Institute of Materials Science of the SPA “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
At this article presented the results of studies on the influence of wollastonite concentrate obtained from wollastonite ore of the Koytash deposit of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the properties of coatings of welding electrodes. The obtained results revealed the dependence of the pressing pressure of the electrodes on the content of wollastonite concentrate in the electrode coating, according to which the introduction of wollastonite concentrate in the coating of the base type is conducive to improving the plastic properties of the coating masses. Also, studies of the effect of wollastonite concentrate on the arc stability of the welding electrode, which showed an increase in the breaking length of the arc and increase the stability of its combustion when introduced into the electrode coatings of wollastonite concentrate. In addition, the favorable effect of wollastonite concentrate on the grinding of electrode metal droplets and the improvement of the formation of welds was revealed.
How to Cite:
Saidov R.M., Musaev A.M., Jumaniyazov D.I., Gafurov B.K., Abralov M.M., Rakhimova F.M., (2019), SELECTION OF PLASTICIZERS FOR WELDING ELECTRODES COATINGS FROM THE ORE-MINERAL RAW MATERIALS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN. Computational Nanotechnology, 3 => 27-31.
Reference list:
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Engelhardt C.L. Calcium Metasilicate-An Extender Pigment // American Paint Coatings J. September 10, 1979.
Hare C.H. Wright, S.T. An Examination of the Contribution of Functional Extender Pigments to Inhibitive Epoxy Metal Primers. Private publication of Clive H. Hare Inc. 1983.
Hare C.H. The Evolution of Calcium Metasilicate in Paint and Coatings // Mod. Paint and Coatings. November 1993. Vol. 83 (12).
Ladoo R.B. Wollastonite-A New Industrial Mineral // Engineering and Mining J. November 1950.
Engelhardt C.L. Calcium Metasilicate-An Extender Pigment // American Paint Coatings J. September 10, 1979.
Hare C.H. Wright, S.T. An Examination of the Contribution of Functional Extender Pigments to Inhibitive Epoxy Metal Primers. Private publication of Clive H. Hare Inc. 1983.
Hare C.H. The Evolution of Calcium Metasilicate in Paint and Coatings // Mod. Paint and Coatings. November 1993. Vol. 83 (12).