( Pp. 225-230)

More about authors
Nikolaenko E. A. starshiy inspektor otdela kadrov, adyunkt.
Bel Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry named I.D. Putilin
The subject of the research is a set of legal norms established by the laws and other normative-legal acts and institutional framework, determining the order of formation of personnel of the police department of the housing. The author examines the current state of the staffing of internal affairs, the basic mechanisms and sources of acquisition of territorial bodies of the Russian Interior Ministry, as well as the existing problems in the staffing of the territorial bodies of the Russian Interior Ministry. Object of research are public legal relations, folding in the process of replacement of posts in the police. The methodological basis of the research was the complex scientific and special methods of cognition: a systematic, logical, comparative legal method of transition from the abstract to the concrete, from general to specific. The author notes that the personnel staff and human factors in achieving the goals and tasks of the internal affairs bodies, have priority and importance, and issues related to the strengthening of the staff of the internal affairs bodies are the guarantee of law and order in their ranks.
How to Cite:
Nikolaenko E.A., (2016), ACQUISITION AS A GUARANTEE OF THE SUCCESS OF THE BODY INTERIOR. Business in Law, 4 => 225-230.
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service, personnel, human potential, service, the body of internal Affairs, acquisition, training, professional selection, placement, graduate.

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