( Pp. 17-23)
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Sotnikov Dmitry O.
magistrant programmy «Upravlenie proektami: proektnyy analiz, investicii, tehnologii realizacii»
National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE)
National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE)
Background (the objective and the tasks): based on the example supply chain management, to study the effect of network relations on the achievement of the objectives of the project work. To achieve this goal it was necessary to solve the following tasks: 1. To analyze the scientific literature on the subject of the application of the tools of social network analysis in project management; 2. To collect information about the network relations of the project participants with the suppliers of the project; 3. To analyze the relationship between the parameters characterizing the process of project procurement management as a social network and the indicators of goals achievement of supply project; 4. To interpret the obtained during research results. Area of research: the use of social network analysis tools with respect to project network relationships data in the analyzed company. Methods: sociometric study, correlation analysis. Conclusions: It was identified the role of social and psychological factors in establishing the network of project relationships. Practical use: the results are applicable in project stakeholders management, project communications management. In the future, it’s offer to develop the findings obtained in the construction. For instance, to create the model of network project relationships establishing to maximize the project success. Originality/value: the work considering the uncertainties problem of project’s networking factors influence on the project success. This work can be useful both for project management specialists and corporate psychology specialists, because the results are considered from the perspective of cognitive science.
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Reference list:
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Hossain L. Effect of Organisational Position and Network Centrality on Project Coordination . International Journal of Project Management 27, 2009 pp. 680-689.
Kahneman D., Knetsch J.L., Thaler R.H. Experimental Tests of the Endowment Effect and the Coase Theorem. 1990. Journal of Political Economy 98 (6): pp. 1325-1348.
Ling F., Li S., Using Social Network Strategy to Manage Construction Projects In China . International Journal of Project Management 30, 2012, pp. 398-406.
Mead, S.P., Using Social Network Analysis to Visualize Project Teams , Project Management Journal, Vol. 32 №. 4, 2001, pp. 32-38.
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Bagrationi K. A. Psikhologicheskiy podkhod k konflikt-menedzhmentu proektov: tipologiya, prichiny, upravlenie (chast 1) // Upravlenie proektami i programmami. 2011. № 3. S. 212-221.
Bagrationi K. A. Psikhologicheskiy podkhod k konflikt-menedzhmentu proektov: tipologiya, prichiny, upravlenie (chast 2) // Upravlenie proektami i programmami. 2011. № 4. S. 280-290.
Bagrationi K. A., Kutsenko O. V., Bayramov F. Dzh. Kontseptsii korporativnoy sotsial noy otvetstvennosti i ustoychivogo razvitiya: soprotivlenie politiko-pravovym innovatsiyam v rossiyskoy neftegazovoy otrasli // Probely v rossiyskom zakonodatel stve. 2016. № 5. S. 212-220.
Bagrationi K. A., Reshetko S. A., Kirina M. A. Upravlenie riskami v proektakh: psikhologicheskiy podkhod (chast 1) // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. 2015. № 5. S. 100-107.
Bagrationi K. A., Reshetko S. A., Kirina M. A. Upravlenie riskami v proektakh: psikhologicheskiy podkhod (chast 2) // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. 2015. № 6. S. 75-85.
Poznyakov V. P., Kutsenko O. V., Bagrationi K. A. Soprotivlenie politiko-pravovym innovatsiyam v oblasti ustoychivogo razvitiya: sotsial no-psikhologicheskiy podkhod // Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Rossiyskiy zhurnal upravleniya proektami. 2016. T. 5. № 2. S. 21-30.
Prilipko A. G., Bagrationi K. A. Podkhody i sredstva dlya resheniya zadach po upravleniyu proektami, svyazannymi s provedeniem NIOKR // Informatsionnye tekhnologii i vychislitel nye sistemy. 2015. № 1. S. 69-76.
Reshetko S. A., Bagrationi K. A. MBTI kak metod ekspress-diagnostiki povedencheskikh kompetentsiy menedzherov // Rossiyskiy zhurnal upravleniya proektami. 2014. № 3 (4). S. 29-38.
YAkovleva A.YU. Seti v proektnom menedzhmente: novye napravleniya i perspektivy. // Rossiyskiy zhurnal upravleniya proektami. M.: izd. INFRA-M. 2014. №1(6). s. 37-46.
supply management project, socio-psychological aspects, cognitive distortions, social network analysis.