( Pp. 35-38)

Brief description: the article describes The evolution of the traditional court Kalmyk khanate − Zargo in conditions of Russian absolutism in the first half of the 60-ies of the XVIII century. The article aims to show the change in the status of traditional court Zargo in the system of the state order-nomads of the Kalmyks. Sources and methodology with the use of archive documents of the National archive of the Republic of Kalmykia, first of all the Astrakhan Governor's administration, implementing the development and implementation of reforms. Data analysis of the texts used for traditional history of law legal method of exegesis. Results: On the basis of the study, the results of which are reflected in the article, we have shown that the question of changing the status of the court Zargo became an important link in the process limitations of the Institute of the Khan's authority Kalmyks. Conclusion: sources, methodology and the original understanding of the problem allows us to prove that the reform of the traditional court Zargo (1762) answered in the interests of Russian absolutism and became the most important step in the policy of Russia after the change of the principles of destination Kalmyk rulers in 1720's. However, the reform was not supposed to even the use of national legislation, as well as the abolition of the Institute of the governorship. From the body that reports directly to the Khan (the Governor), Zargo turned into a national body khanate, which were proportional representation of all major noyonskie ownership, part of which was not part of the domain Governor. In the end, the leader lost a significant amount of judicial and political authorities, having received equal status representative body of power.
How to Cite:
Bayanov M.V., (2014), REFORMING OF KALMYKS’ JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF XVIII CENTURY. Business in Law, 1 => 35-38.
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