( Pp. 87-91)

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Bogacheva Elena L. aspirant kafedry «Nalogi i nalogooblozhenie»
the Russian economic university of G. V. Plekhanov
Task - This article discusses the dissonance corporate governance issues for the Russian corporate sphere. is characterized by the absence of a balance of interests among participants of corporate conflicts: founders and shareholders (participants) of business entities, members of the management bodies of the company, business associations (Holdings). The pioneers of the development problems of conflict of interest and related agency costs in the middle of 70ya. the last century, American scientists began M. Jensen and W. Meckling. Model -capitalization of dividends. The conclusions of the -and cost of the problem can be of great practical use, as in the Russian legal and financial practice until perfected a technique for determining the value of the control. Scope of study- the last ten years the Russian corporate practice Social impact-about statistics, an informal corporate conflict, but their media coverage suggests that the expense of corporate conflicts goes to thousands over the last decade, public organizations have given a different meaning to this, at first glance, the private issues announcing good corporate governance source of competitiveness of countries and an important factor of economic and social progress. Originality the article can be useful for professional evaluators, lawyers, economists, all interested in corporate governance
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minority and majority shareholders, corporate conflicts, agents, the theory of stakeholders.

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