Problematic aspects of the strategic planning documents of the municipalities
( Pp. 245-249)

More about authors
Gorlanov Gennadiy Vasilievich d-r ekon. nauk, professor. Dolzhnost: professor. Podrazdelenie: Institut gosudarstvennoy sluzhby i upravleniya.
Russian academy of national economy and public administration under the President of Russian Federation (RANEPA) Ashin Dmitriy Mikhailovich magistrant. Podrazdelenie: Institut publichnogo prava i upravleniya.
Moscow State Law University named after O.E.Kutafin (MSAL) Dekhanov Aleksandr S. veduschiy sovetnik Departamenta ocenki reguliruyuschego vozdeystviya
Russian Ministry of Economic Development
The article analyzes the system of strategic planning documents in the Russian Federation. Problems of strategic planning of municipality are considered, in particular, the lack of a sufficient level of regulation in the federal act. The article has practical value as in it the necessity of improving the regulatory framework for the municipalities. The authors propose to develop a law regulation the content and procedure for the development of strategic planning documents of municipalities. The originality / value of the article consists in the analysis of the procedure of preparing strategic planning documents in modern Russia. On the basis of statistical information in the article the analysis of strategic planning documents is carried out. The article is intended for students, undergraduates, post-graduate students, teachers of administrative law, of public administration, of sociology of public administration.
How to Cite:
Gorlanov G.V., Ashin D.M., Dekhanov A.S., (2015), PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS OF THE STRATEGIC PLANNING DOCUMENTS OF THE MUNICIPALITIES. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 245-249.
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