Actual questions of legal regulation of databases which are formed and used in a sphere of state and municipal management
( Pp. 240-244)
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Boyarintseva Olga Anatolievna
Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra informacionnogo prava.
Law Ural State Law University
Law Ural State Law University
Task. In this article the special attention is paid to a problem of legal regulation of databases, which are formed and used in the sphere of state and municipal management in modern conditions of modernisation of information society and development of digital economy. In an electronic state the databases containing large amounts of information in a digital form, become one of the key asset of the public authorities and it confirms the feasibility of singling out such databases as a separate type and establishing a special legal regime for them. The need to ensure the unity of legal regulation of social relations in the area of state and municipal databases defines scientific interest in the resolution of this question and its practical significance. The novelty of the research is that for the first time at the level of scientific publication, the author conducted a comprehensive analysis of the prospects for improving legal regulation of social relations arising from the formation and using of state and municipal databases and also are formulated separate conceptual provisions of legislative consolidation of legal regime of public databases. Originality (integrity). In the article it is proved the feasibility of introducing the term "state and municipal (public) database"into legal turnover in order to form a single legal regime of a database in a sphere of a state and municipal management. Practical importance. The summary and the recommendation which are formed by the author can be used in a lawmaking activity of public authorities and local self-government, which are aimed at improving efficiency of legal regulation in the sphere of social relationships and also in the formation of state information policy of the Russian Federation.
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Reference list:
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