About the system of the patterns of criminal law
( Pp. 101-108)

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Andrianov Vladimir Konstantinovich Cand.Sci.(Law), senior researcher at the Center for justice research
Russian State University of Justice
Moscow, Russia
Statement of the problem. According to philosophy, the origin, development, functioning and structural construction of any phenomenon are based on their own objective patterns. The legal system, as well as other existing phenomena, has the corresponding patterns. Study of the patterns is the main task, the ultimate goal of any science, including the criminal law. Since in the patterns content of law is revealed most deeply, they directly express the essence of law, the internal logic of legal reality. Insofar as it is impossible to ensure the adequacy, consistency and stability of criminal legislation, if we do not take into account the laws of criminal law. However, for the effective functioning of criminal law, it is necessary to take into account not only the specific patterns of criminal law itself, but, first of all, to ensure compliance of criminal law regulation with the mechanism of action of objective laws in protected spheres of public relations, as well as to take into account the social and psychological laws of the mechanism of criminal law impact. Objectives of the article. This article is devoted to the analysis of patterns of varying degrees of generality, operating in criminal law. Conclusions. In the course of the study, we have identified and formulated the patterns of the criminal law system that consists of special, general legal, social, systemic and universal patterns.
How to Cite:
Andrianov V.K., (2021), ABOUT THE SYSTEM OF THE PATTERNS OF CRIMINAL LAW. Sociopolitical Sciences, 2 => 101-108.
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social patterns, systemic patterns, patterns of efficiency of public administration, general legal patterns, specific patterns of criminal law.

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