Responsibility of the Organizer of the Crime: Problems of Qualification of Criminal Actions
( Pp. 102-107)

More about authors
Oleg E. Chinyakov
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Saransk, Russian Federation Vladimir Yu. Perepelkin
Middle Volga Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice
Saransk, Russian Federation
Purpose of the study. The most problematic area of domestic criminal law doctrine and law enforcement practice is considered to be the institution of complicity in general and the place of the organizer of the crime in it, as a central and key figure in planning, coordinating and directing the actions of accomplices, the implementation of a criminal plan. The article deals with the issues of regulatory regulation in the Russian criminal legislation of the institution of complicity in a crime, in relation to the organizer. In the course of the study, an attempt was made to analyze some controversial issues related to the qualification of the actions of the organizer of the crime.
How to Cite:
Chinyakov O. E., Perepelkin V. Y. Responsibility of the Organizer of the Crime: Problems of Qualification of Criminal Actions // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2024. Vol. 20. № 1. P. 102-107. (in Russ.) EDN: WJBDUB
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complicity, the organizer of the crime, qualification of the crime, the leadership..

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