Modeling the hydraulic characteristics of drain valve and burst fitting of an aircraft accident-resistant fuel system
( Pp. 37-44)

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Napreenko Konstantin S. inzhener 2-y kategorii
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Savelev Roman S. veduschiy inzhener
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Trofimov Aleksey A. inzhener 1-y kategorii
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Lamtyugina Anna V. inzhener 2-y kategorii
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Zinina Anna I. tehnik
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
The article discusses methods for determining the hydraulic resistance of units of an accident-resistant fuel system. A detailed description of the need to create such fuel systems for modern helicopters is given. The development of such systems today is impossible without the use of the method of mathematical modeling, which allows to qualitatively solve problems arising in the design process. To obtain accurate research results, it is necessary to have a complete description of all elements and assemblies of the system. Methods for determining the hydraulic characteristics of AFS elements using the drag coefficient, reference literature and CFD codes are considered. As the investigated AFS units, a drain valve and burst fitting were studied in the article. A hydraulic calculation of these AFS elements ware performed, the simulation results are presented in the ANSYS CFX software package. Also as the calculation results of bursting fitting, the pressure distribution fields of full and static pressure, velocity and streamlines are also shown. An experimental setup for validating the results obtained using the mathematical modeling method is considered, as well as a methodology for conducting a full-scale experiment to determine the hydraulic resistance of the unit. Materials have been prepared for inclusion in a one-dimensional mathematical model of an accident-resistant fuel system.
How to Cite:
Napreenko K.S., Savelev R.S., Trofimov A.A., Lamtyugina A.V., Zinina A.I., (2020), MODELING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF DRAIN VALVE AND BURST FITTING OF AN AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT-RESISTANT FUEL SYSTEM. Computational Nanotechnology, 3 => 37-44.
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Mathematical model, drain valve, bursting fitting, accident-proof fuel system, helicopter.

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