Decisions on the declaration and procedure for the application of amnesty as sources of criminal-executive law
( Pp. 122-126)

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Golovastova Julia Aleksandrovna Dr.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Executive law of the ; Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Private Educational Institution of Higher Education ; Chief Researcher Enforcement System RSCI SPIN code 7040-1916
Academy of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia; «Moscow University named after S. Witte»; Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Ryazan, Russia; Ryazan, Russia; Moscow, Russia
At present, the criminal-executive legislation consists of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws regulating relations in the sphere of execution (serving) of criminal penalties and other measures of criminal-legal nature. The article gives a legal analysis of the decisions on the announcement of amnesty and the procedure for their application for the attribution of them to the sources of the criminal-executive law. The conclusion is drawn that the decisions on announcing the amnesty and on the procedure for their application are recognized as sources of the criminal-executive law, since they contain material and procedural norms of the criminal-executive law. The author of the article notes the unique properties of resolutions on amnesty that allows them to be viewed as atypical federal laws regulating criminal-executive relations.
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resolution on declaring Amnesty, resolution on the application of the Amnesty, substantive and procedural (procedural) norms of criminal Executive law, the source of criminal-Executive law, criminal-contractor-tion law as a branch of law, amnesty.

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