The role of the POLICE IN ensuring VETERINARY and EPIZOOTIC SURVEILLANCE in RUSSIA in the XVIII-th Century
( Pp. 27-31)

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Irina A. Tarasova Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the department of state and civil law disciplines, . Hirsch Index 9
Moscow regional branch of the Moscow University of the MIA of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot
Staroteryaevo, Moscow reg., Russia
The article aims to study the characteristics of police force activities of the Russian Empire in the development of veterinary and ensuring veterinary and epizootic surveillance in the eighteenth century. The object of the study is social relations connected with the provision of veterinary and epizootic supervision and development of veterinary science by police bodies in the Russian Empire. The subject of the study is the reference legal basis for the activities of police bodies, their functions, authorities, methods of activity in this area. The analysis of the activities of police agencies in the field of development of veterinary medicine and provision of veterinary and epizootic surveillance in the Russian Empire in the XVIII-th century has been performed with the use of historical and legal, comparative legal and comparative historical methods. On the basis of a number of facts the author demonstrates that ensuring veterinary and epizootic surveillance as well as ensuring sanitary and epidemiological surveillance was one of the police functions in the study period. The duties of police officers in this area were enshrined in a number of regulations. As part of the implementation of these normative acts, which established measures to prevent the spread of epizootics, the police improved their activities in this direction. It has been concluded that by the beginning of the XIX-th century sufficient experience was accumulated to create a system of veterinary and epizootic surveillance in the Russian Empire. However, the creation of this system was hindered by such factors as the lack of medical and veterinary personnel, the lack of specialized veterinary authorities and the national program to combat epizootics. Therefore, the effectiveness of police work was low, measures to prevent the spread of epizootics was limited by, in general, isolation of sick animals from healthy ones, blocking pestholes of epizootics, timely disposal of dead bodies of fallen cattle, measures for the prevention of infection of the population as a result of contact with sick and dead animals.
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