The concept of providing qualified legal aid by the attorney-at-law
( Pp. 216-221)

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Romanova Valeria Evgenevna advokat, soiskatel kafedry advokatury i notariata
Moscow State University of Law by the name of O.E. Kutafin (MSLA)
This article addresses issues of the concept of providing qualified legal aid by the attorney-at-law. The aim of the author is to analyze the question of which agencies and individuals can provide professional legal aid, which criteria these individuals and organizations must comply with, in what order and according to which warranties attorney-at-law may provide qualified legal aid. The article provides analysis of the current Russian legislation, case law and international acts of legal society, as well as positions of scholars. The article covers one of the most essential issues currently arising in civil cases, and provides possible practical options for its solutions. The author of the articles pays attention to the expected perspectives of development of the concept of providing qualified legal aid by the attorney-at-law according to the recent conditions of the legal services market within the ongoing reforms. This article is intended for attorneys-at-law, practicing lawyers, judges, officials of the law enforcement authorities, scholars, students and all those who are interested in the issues of the advocacy.
How to Cite:
Romanova V.E., (2014), THE CONCEPT OF PROVIDING QUALIFIED LEGAL AID BY THE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Business in Law, 2 => 216-221.
Reference list:
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the provision of qualified legal aid lawyer, The code of professional ethics of lawyer, the principles of advocacy, the status of a lawyer, guarantees of independence of a lawyer, attorney-client privilege.

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