Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №1 2022
Issue №1 2022
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-180 Prev Next
1. THEORY AND HISTORY LAW Constitutional Spiritual and Moral Values of Russia: Reflections on the Text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation Ivannikov Ivan Andreevich Customary Legal Relations of Mordvins and Chuvash Sushkova Yuliya N. German Political and Legal Thought of the XIX - the First Half of the XX Centuries: General and Specific Zubov Vadim V. Problems and Prospects for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the Activities of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Lolaeva Albina Slavovna 2. PUBLIC LAW (STATE LAW) Activities of illegal financial market participants: financial and legal aspects and problems Shepeleva Dina Victorovna Some Aspects of Improving Measures of Administrative and Legal Prevention and Coercion for Misuse of Funds Allocated for the Maintenance of Children Bachurin Alexander Gennadyevich 3. PRIVATE LAW (CIVIL) Tourist Region (Destination) as an Integral Element of Civil Law Relations in the Tourism System Linara M. Battalova On the Issue of the Bank's Civil Liability Sergey Yu. Reutskiy 4. CRIMINAL LAW Promising Directions in the Activities of the Penal Enforcement System of the Russian Federation (New, Well-Forgotten Old...) Ogorodnikov Vladimir Ivanovich The Excess of the Perpetrator and Other Accomplices of the Crime: Gaps in Criminal Law Regulation and Prospects for Improvement Seregina Elena Vladimirovna Portnova Maria Sergeevna Problems of External Social Factors Determining the Personality of a Professional Criminal Ivan P. Kravets Butchenko Viktor Nikolaevich Corruption as a Social Phenomenon that Generates Negative Trends in Society Akhmedkhanova Samira Telkhatovna The Object and Subject of the Crime Under Art. 200.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Problems of Theoretical and Law Enforcement Interpretation Turkin Alexey Victorovich Criminological Analysis of Regional Crime in the Sphere of Land Relations (on the Example of the Krasnodar Territory) Litra Elena Nikolaevna Institute of Expert Opinion in the Criminal Procedural Legislation of the Russian Federation and Near Abroad Countries Alexey P. Popov Popov Artem Alekseevich Popova Irina Alekseevna On the Issue of Involving an Interpreter in Conducting Procedural Actions with the Participation of Foreign Citizens: Questions of Theory and Practice Kupryashina Elena Aleksandrovna Cherkasova Elena Anatolyevna Rudov Denis Nikolaevich Designing a Model of the Organizational and Structural Mechanism of the Activities of Subdivisions of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Emergency Situations of a Social Nature Piannikov Vladimir Igorevich Volchenko Anastasiya Vladimirovna Actual Problems of Investigation of Illegal Banking Activities Committed by Organized Groups and Criminal Associations Lapin Vyacheslav Olegovich Organization and Tactics of Working with Computer Traces at the Stage of Search and Cognitive Activity Komov Andrey Vasilyevich 5. INTERNATIONAL LAW International Commodity Agreements and the Common Fund for Commodities: Operational Issues Shumilov Vladimir Mikhailovich To the Question of the Current State of the Methods of Implementation (Transformation) of International Legal Norms into the System of Russian Law Ilovaisky Igor Borisovich Turov George Sergeevich Filling Existing Gaps in International Law in the Context of the Development of the Modern World Order Nikiforov Svyatoslav Vadimovich 6. MISCELLANEOUS About Motivations in Criminal Law Dekhanov Sergey Aleksandrovich Dekhanova Natalia Gennadievna The Evolution of Commune on the Example Tings, Veche, and Early Period of English Parliament Migunova Tatiana Leonidovna Mineeva Tatiana Germanovna Tolstoluckiy Vladimir U. The Use of Psychological Aspects in the Framework of Preventive and Preventive Actions in Ensuring Public Order at Public Events Teplyakov Oleg Victorovich Moldavsky Maksim Vladimirovich Gorbanev Vladimir Mikhailovich Economic Crimes as a Threat to the National Security of the Russian Federation: Criminal Law Aspect Shuisky Andrey Sergeevich