Constitutional bases of industrial policy in the Russian Federation
( Pp. 66-69)

More about authors
Savelyev Yan E. aspirant; menedzher po rabote s gosudarstvennymi organami
Moscow City Pedagogical University; JSC «ISUZU RUS»
The purpose of this research paper is to study the constitutional foundations of industrial policy in the Russian Federation. The paper examines the current regulatory legal acts in this area, with special emphasis on the analysis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the state of industrial policy in General. In the current conditions of development of the Russian state and society, the issues of stimulating economic growth and industrial production remain relevant. The development of this sector of the economy is impossible without relying on an effective regulatory framework. Within the framework of the scientific article, the main subjects of industrial policy are identified, including those identified on a territorial basis. Regional aspects of industrial policy are also important within a Federal state. Proposals were made for targeted measures of state support for industry, including in the context of training specialized engineering personnel.
How to Cite:
Savelyev Y.E., (2020), CONSTITUTIONAL BASES OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Sociopolitical Sciences, 2 => 66-69.
Reference list:
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industrial policy, state support for industry, measures of state support, strategic development of the industry.

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