The constitutional model of the federal territories: foreign experience for Russia’s prospects
( Pp. 56-61)

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Markheim Marina V. Doctor of Law, Professor; Head at the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Law Institute of the Belgorod State National Research University. Belgorod, Russian Federation. Author ID: 378892; WOS Research ID: U-9679-2017; Scopus Authir ID: 57190878608; ORCID:; E-mail:
Law Institute of the National Research University “BelSU”
Belgorod State National Research University,Belgorod, Russian Federation.
The article focuses on the analysis of constitutions of foreign federations to identify constitutional models of the institution of Federal territories in order to determine the basic positions for domestic prospects for the establishment and development of Federal territories. Approaches to defining a Federal territory as an independent territorial unit and generalizing names of all territorial units other than a Federal subject are presented. Attention is drawn to approaches to securing the constitutional status of Federal territories, including internal division, organization of public power, interaction with other public bodies, etc. It is concluded that each Federal state, at its own discretion, determines the existence and constitutional status of the Federal territory (as well as other territorial units), which Russia will have to do
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Reference list:
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Federal state, constitutional statuses of territories, Federal territories, Federal district, organization of public power, territorial supremacy, legislative regulation of the status of the Federal territory.

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