( Pp. 52-54)

More about authors
Belkov O. A. doktor filosofskih nauk, professor, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
scientific research institute (military history) of Military academy of the General Staff of Russian Armed Forces, Moscow
Article represents a response to the monograph by K.S. Dalakian. The reviewer, making a start from the provisions formulated in her, the ethnonation argues on the existing interpretations of a phenomenon, articulates her political status, real or potential communication with statehood. In article the author's ideas about genesis, mechanisms and forms of education and functioning of the ethnonation are reproduced. The contradictory and conflictogenic nature of this process is emphasized.
How to Cite:
Belkov O.A., (2018), THE ETHNONATION - THE POLITICAL SUBJECT OF THE MODERN WORLD. Sociopolitical Sciences, 5 => 52-54.
Reference list:
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