( Pp. 65-71)

More about authors
Svetlov Victor A. doktor filosofskih nauk, professor, kafedra istorii, filosofii, politologii i sociologii
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University Sidorov Nikolai M. kandidat filosofskih nauk, docent, kafedra istorii, filosofii, politologii i sociologii
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
In the article a new approach to the solution of the problem of rational reconstruction of the main categories of Hegel’s dialectics - dialectical negation, dialectical contradiction, dialectical opposites, the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones and negation of negation is under construction. Dialectical contradiction is interpreted as a special kind of non-logical contradiction that does not violate any laws of formal logic and too is compatible with the main results of catastrophe theory. Rational reconstruction is carried out in terms of an elementary algebra of relations known as the Klein four-group.
How to Cite:
Svetlov V.A., Sidorov N.M., (2018), HEGEL DIALECTICIAN: ACQUISITION OF RATIONALITY. Sociopolitical Sciences, 5 => 65-71.
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