Reform of legal education in the Russian Federation
( Pp. 195-200)

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Wang Zan doktor yuridicheskih nauk, docent
Dalian Maritime University Lebedev Maksim Vladimirovich Dolzhnost: analitik.
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) Serebrennikova Anna V.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russian Federation
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This article reflects the results of the author's scientific research dedicated to the issues of the development of legal professional education in Russia, as well as the problems of its functioning at the present stage. Purpose of the article is to study the foundations of the reform of legal education in the Russian Federation, to conduct a comparative study on the example of the integration of Western principles of the development of legal education, which the domestic law school cannot take full advantage of. Methodology and methods. The authors use a set of general scientific methods of theoretical knowledge, general logical methods and research techniques, comparative and historical-legal methods, as well as consistent dialectics. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that there is a weakness in theoretical knowledge and applied skills that university graduates possess after completing their training in higher legal education programs. The authors draw attention to the exclusivity of legal education in terms of its general social benefit and, at the same time, point to the weakness of the Russian education system in the context of rapidly developing legal relations, as well as the lack of their own vision in its development and transformation. The scientific and practical significance of this study lies in the fact that it reflects a fresh author's view on the setting of the problem of forming the professional consciousness of lawyers through legal education.
How to Cite:
Wang Z.., Lebedev M.V., Serebrennikova A.V., (2020), REFORM OF LEGAL EDUCATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 195-200.
Reference list:
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Russia, rule-of-law state, legal education, Master's degree programme, Bachelor's degree programme, reforms, the Bologna system, educational institutions, standardization, legal culture, specialist programme, science.

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